24 hour lighting


Active Member
i just started my first plant about 4 weeks ago. it is now about 14 iches tall and looks really healthy. i bought ed rosenthal marijuana's growbook and its the best advice ever. my question is has anybody ever done this method and how did the crop turn out for you?


Active Member
Now, do you mean growing autoflower strains with 24h lighting or just a normal strain just to get some leaf? Is there any reason for one to do 24h lighting grow cycle if planning to get some sinsemilla? Haven't read the book but sounds kinda funny to me to grow with 24h light I mean those plants won't flower if their not autoflower strains(mostly outdoor). Thanks for the forum, also a great deal to make my own gallery here since overgrow.com died and I lost years of work documents. Oh well, it's the way the world goes these days. What can ya do....


Active Member
I always grow 24 light in veg if I'm pressed for time or just need to get it done quick when your plant is in veg I highly recomend trying it you'll be suprised at how fast they grow .and if your doing a sea of green outdoors it works great as well keep your plants on 24 hour light a day until you place them outdoors in the first week of july and the plants will go drectly to flower.hope i helped!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr. HUNTER

I prefer to veg at 32 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness. This gives the lights, fans (and other grow eqipment) and the plant achance to rest and come out f the heat.



Active Member
What I fear about 24 hour lighting is coming home and finding my home burned to the ground. People use 24 lighting for palm trees and ferns. It freaks me out


Active Member
bountyhunter8703 said:
i just started my first plant about 4 weeks ago. it is now about 14 iches tall and looks really healthy. i bought ed rosenthal marijuana's growbook and its the best advice ever. my question is has anybody ever done this method and how did the crop turn out for you?
Uh question, they actually sell marijuana growing books, even though its "illegal?" Like do they sell it in a local book store, or do you just find it online or get it from a little store.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Most Book Stores and libraries carry "How to Grow Books". First amendment rights.

: )

this is suppose to be a free country.. remember.. you are suppose to be able to write what you want and think freely about what you want...

I think?



Well-Known Member
hey, i have a plant going out of some bag seed, and i have been putting under a cfl during the night and putting outside during the day and its on its 4th set of leaves. so yeah its been on a 24 hour schedule. Would my plant flower if i left it outside permanently?


Active Member
hypothetically speaking, could i take my plants that are on a 16/8 light cycle in my aerogarden, and put them on 24 light without it stressing out and dying.o, and yes they are in the vegetative state


Active Member
You can use a 24 hr. light cycle until the desired height is reached and THEN switch to 12/12. I have done this many times in an aerogarden w/ Advanced Nutes and had great results. The 24 hr. cycle provides maximum veg growth. I use the aero lights until flowering, then I switch to 400W HPS. Happy harvest!


Active Member
Absolutely. You should be using 18/6 for veg, not 16/8 anyway. Switch over to 24 until you get the height you want, then invest in a 400W HPS to flower. I use an aerogarden too, but only for vegging. Advanced Nutes also. You can also purchase soil pods to put your seed's in and then transfer your plants to soil at anytime. I do it so that when I take clones, I can move the mothers to soil and flower them and use the areogarden to veg my clones. When I switch to soil, I use organic bat guano (free from my boss), organic blood and bone meal, and fermented garlic EM (full of beneficial microrganisms; also free from my boss). I have some SICK results at harvest time. Happy Harvest!