24/7 lighting


Active Member
Is it bad to have lights on 24/7 before it reaches height to begin flowering? If so what is a good time span for lighting and darkness before flowering?


Elite Rolling Society
Dude, read up at GROWFAQ.
you want to do 24/7 as long as you want to do it. IF you are limited on space and doing the SEA OF GREEN, I suggest that you do 24/7 for 2 to 4 weeks. Then go to 12/12. AND if you have lots of space, wait longer before going to 12/12.
You need to read and study more here, and give more details about your growth. Soil? Hydroponic? what kind of lights? Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
I have used both 24/7 and 18/6 for vegging and i preffer the extra growth of 24h light, that i use for the first 2 1/2 to 3 weeks (depending on growth) then 18/6 for a couple days then 12/12 . I think you will find its more of a personal thing .


Well-Known Member
Oh and i have never vegged longer than 4 weeks, i do not have dwarfed plants and get very good yields !