2013 Outdoor Grow


Hey everyone this will be my 2nd outdoor grow and my very first journal. [HR][/HR]I have 6 GH big bang fem seedlings and 1 white widow reg. seedling. This will all be finishing up in my backyard in 5 gallon smart pots with FFOF and organic's mixed in with my soil. I also have another 4 GH big bangs germination right now, and I will pick the best 6 out of them and either give them to a buddy of mine or just walk out in the mountains near my house and just let them do there thing. These seedlings are about 5-6 days old right now and are all growing great besides the WW is growing a little odd and slowly cause I had a few issues while germinating. Also sorry for the messed up format for some reason I cannot get my format correct and space it out and what not. All tips/feedback will be appreciated, thanks and happy 2013 outdoor growing to all other California patients :)IMG_0205.JPGIMG_0206.JPG

Brown shoes

Would be cool to see one of the Big bangs out there and just let nature do her thing. Good luck on the girls man I will be watching!
Ordered my self some Green House seeds for the first time, couldn't pass up attitudes Birthday promotion. also picked up a big bang, just one though plan on cutting many clones from her.


Would be cool to see one of the Big bangs out there and just let nature do her thing. Good luck on the girls man I will be watching!
Ordered my self some Green House seeds for the first time, couldn't pass up attitudes Birthday promotion. also picked up a big bang, just one though plan on cutting many clones from her.
Thanks for the input, and I have heard bad reviews on green house seeds on germinating, but all 6 seeds germed in less than 2 days paper towel method and put in soil and were plants in 2 days so I've had 100% with them so far :P and I already got an outdoor plot setup for 4 plants I plan on doing a water reservoir with a drip hose so it's a real sketchy mountain to go up on my dirtbike and going down I actually almost couldn't get out one of the times hah.


Well-Known Member
Big Bang is a great strain. I grew a 7-8 ouncer a couple summers ago outdoors. It kicked ass and tasted wonderful. Good luck!


Big Bang is a great strain. I grew a 7-8 ouncer a couple summers ago outdoors. It kicked ass and tasted wonderful. Good luck!
Thanks, and were these in the ground or in pots? And I would be more than happy if I got a yield like that for each plant

Brown shoes

That's good to hear because I ordered the Indica Mix H along with 4 or 5 singles from the pick and mix, ill post the germ rate when I get them.
haha it sound like you have quite the treacherous spot picked out should be a great time filled with near death experiences lol


Well-Known Member
Big Bang is a great strain. I grew a 7-8 ouncer a couple summers ago outdoors. It kicked ass and tasted wonderful. Good luck!
I did mine right in the ground. My own version of super soil. Around 20 gallons if I remember correctly. I grew 4 that summer. She was the beast out of them. The others yielded around a qp each.


I did mine right in the ground. My own version of super soil. Around 20 gallons if I remember correctly. I grew 4 that summer. She was the beast out of them. The others yielded around a qp each.
Yeah I'll probably do subcool's supersoil for my 4 guerilla ones, how big should the holes be that I dig?


Well-Known Member
I go no deeper than 30 inches. And usually 3 -4 feet around. I always dig my hole fill it then wait a couple weeks before putting in my plants. This gives the local critters time to check it out before losing a plant do to their curiosity of the new smells. And digging up your baby.


I go no deeper than 30 inches. And usually 3 -4 feet around. I always dig my hole fill it then wait a couple weeks before putting in my plants. This gives the local critters time to check it out before losing a plant do to their curiosity of the new smells. And digging up your baby.
Thanks for the advice! I plan on going out there tomorrow and getting it all finished up I wanna throw them outside hopfully the first of april


Well-Known Member
Good luck, and remember to try and critter proof your grow site. Coyote piss works great for me. As well as human hair, piss, dog piss etc..


Okay, and yeah last time we were up there my grow buddy was pissing all over the site haha. How would I get human hair though, I don't feel safe using my own hair personally.


Little Update 3/6/2013 those 4 other big bangs I had germinating all germed and put into soil under 18/6 and unfortunately only 3 made it but that's fine with me. IMG_0213.JPGIMG_0214.JPGIMG_0216.JPG The single picture is my white widow baby which I have never grown that strain and am really looking forward to.