2012 outdoor bud pictures, who's got buds?


Well-Known Member
Last week I was thinking 4 weeks but I'm leaning toward 2 weeks-ish now... She's plumping up rapidly and the fans are yellowing at an alarming rate. I'm not pushing out any new pistils right now and what she has are turning colour so I'm thinking she's in her death throws. She got a half strength feed last night and I think that'll be the last one.

I'm actually getting pretty excited. This is my first grow and my only female survivor (started with 3 seeds), I think I'm doing okay for my first dance.


Well-Known Member
Last week I was thinking 4 weeks but I'm leaning toward 2 weeks-ish now... She's plumping up rapidly and the fans are yellowing at an alarming rate. I'm not pushing out any new pistils right now and what she has are turning colour so I'm thinking she's in her death throws. She got a half strength feed last night and I think that'll be the last one.

I'm actually getting pretty excited. This is my first grow and my only female survivor (started with 3 seeds), I think I'm doing okay for my first dance.
thats great if ya get by the first intiation grow then you will be fine and have a better attitude towards next season !!


Active Member
Those ones were sitting next to the patch of sweet peas that had molded over, they barely run 50 days inside. That being said those plants dried up and were just sticky icky. and the Bud I saved with my Spacedawg male jizz all over it is still fluff and a fuckton of crystals bulging with weed babies lol , it's just what that particular plant does. Its been clone only for almost 10 yrs now so it was time for some seeds and a fresh start. pulled em early still got 14zips off of those two plants (not bad for going out side on a whim in august) and a killer sweet super silver haze flavor. no mold. win in my neck of the woods. Still plenty growing and now I have some chronic to puff on that makes me have greenouts and is almost gooey its so sticky. I cannot stress the stickiness of it lol. I wore a piece on my shirt all thru shopping today by accident. :-P

here's the seed bud as of today imagejpeg_2 (1).jpgimagejpeg_2.jpgseptember mid 082.jpg