2012 Novice Guerrilla Grow in Florida. Your thoughts


Starting of my 2012 season rather late but not discouraged. The two strains I will be growing are white widow(2) and Northern Lights(3) from Nirvana seed bank. I started the germination of them today using the old paper towel method.
2 parts regular potting soil
1 part miracle grow with the fertilizer mixed in
1 part cow manure
1 part peat moss
All mixed in 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled in bottom for drainage
For the first month I will rely on the nutrients provided in the cow manure and the small amount in the miracle grow
For the remainder of the veg state I will use miracle grow mix in water nutes at a 3-1-2 ratio
The water will be tap water left to evaporate for 24 hours plus and any water i get from the rain
All 5 gallon buckets will be buried up to the brim in the ground and will be LST to minimize the height and size.
This will give me about 6-8 hours indirect light and 4-6 direct depending on the conditions.
After they finish germination I will grow them in plastic cups for a couple of days and then put them in their final spot or start them in their final spot after germination. Could use advice on this

Is there anything I forgot, any advice on what to change? anything would be appreciated. Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
Good Morning,

You have everything dialed-in nicely(with 1 exception), most of the native soil in the entire state is not very good without amending. You're not late at all, in fact I'm 1,000 miles north and don't plant until after Memorial Day. My very first grow was done in-ground in Ft. Lauderdale, started from seed in April. By July it reached the top of my 8' privacy fence...and it didn't finish until almost Thanksgiving b/c your harvest times are generally later.

With rainy season approaching, you won't need to water much come June or so(unless you're in far N FL). Therefore, you may not be able to use liquid nutes. I would go with a granular organic and ditch the Scott's altogether...and the nutes in their soil blends won't last either. If you mix this product into your blend, you will create a cheaper, higher quality, longer lasting organic medium:

Available at Home Depot for about 8 bucks, one bag should last all summer. I sprinkle the stuff on my in-grounds and let nature do the rest.

Good luck!


Thanks for the advice everyone. I haven't planned out nutes of veg state quite yet. Also what should I use to prevent pests? Any particular brands you guys love to keep of the insects? I've thought bout neem oil but I've never tried it before.