2011 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Started these off in mid april. I found them growing after i walked around a bit, so now i feed them big bloom twice a week, lets see what happens. :)






Well-Known Member
or, did you have a male last year, and those are seeds that fell and came up on there own?


Well-Known Member
i musta thrown them out there at some point of time, but it was either during winter or in fall time, kind of wierd tho huh? and now boom, plants


Well-Known Member
i musta thrown them out there at some point of time, but it was either during winter or in fall time, kind of wierd tho huh? and now boom, plants
i had one plant grew all threw winter :) but it only started growing when the summer came around :)


Well-Known Member
are they located in good spots? that one right next to the wall doesnt seem like it will get much sun. maybe u should transplant them to the best area in your backyard?


Well-Known Member
haha no i didnt dig up any other plants, and yea, they are in great spots they get like 9 hours of pure sunlight a day. they are getting super big already. i will have more pics up 2moro. thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
So tell me are they male or female. It looks like they got at least five sets of nodes on them. Take a better pic of the nodes maybe we can see the primordia and the pistil. Would hate to see you depend on those and they turn out male. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
2011 grow 057.jpg2011 grow 046.jpg2011 grow 053.jpg2011 grow 051.jpg2011 grow 052.jpg2011 grow 048.jpg2011 grow 047.jpgnot s2011 grow 058.jpgure yet waitin on some pre flowers to tell me what sex. heres some high quality pics for you guys. thanks again, these are at almost 2 months. 2011 grow 054.jpg


Well-Known Member
u got a dope sativa looking plant , yeah i had tried to germ a bunch of seeds last year and then with some of the soil the seeds were germinating in i filled a hole up that a dog made just to fill it in and then like a month ago i saw a seedling sprout lol but it got mowed over like a week later


Well-Known Member
007.jpg010.jpg009.jpg002.jpg001.jpg006.jpg005.jpgok these are about 2 months now.. looks like they are starting to show pre flowers on some im hoping. im thinkin by mid july they will show sex. i had to bend some plants over because of how tall they are getting. check out the pics and let me know what you think.




Well-Known Member
holy shit them things turned into monsters... thats what happened to my grow check out my grow in my signature...keep it up you got a female there somewhere im sure


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man, they are monsters!! the biggest one is about 7ft tall right now and thats the one in the rocks.and nice grow man, i wanna see some BUDS!!