20-20-20 after Transplant.


Well-Known Member
Heya all thanks for reading. I just had a quick question about feeding after transplant. I have 6 unhappy kids that I just recently transplanted from MG soil to a Nute free soil. They are still yellowing a bit and Im getting ready to water them again tomorrow.

All of them seem to have a pretty nice stem being that all 6 are still upright 24hours after the transplant. I was wondering if it was to soon to start feeding them with doses of 20-20-20.
Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
Oh quick follow up question. Should I mix in some blood meal in my soil while using the 20-20-20?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how old your plants are but I wouldn't start them on nutes (especially 20-20-20) untill they are about 3 weeks old. Also, start slow, that shit is insainly strong. maybe 1/4 steingth or less for the first few waterings. Then bring it up gradually.. About the blood mean, I probibly wouldn't use it cause the 20-20-20 has enought of the Nitrogen you need. It also has plenty of potash and phosphate.


Well-Known Member
Coo, the reason I ask.... I have troubles w/ the kids. There going yellow on me. I Transplated, Watering w/ ph7 water. My Ph 6.5-7. All 6 are about 3 weeks old... and still looking sad.