20,000 Gallons of Soil+ Amendments = I need help


Well-Known Member
After reading revs skunk article i went back to organics And TLO... i am expanding my medical grow and dont have much time to let manures cook.. so i am going for the gold with this mix....

is there any info on the lbs to gallons ration for dirt and amendments....

I recently made a mix for 100 gal raised beds indoors. I added about 1,000 ml of quite a few organic amendments.

Mocha guano
Green sand
Bokashi (em-1)
sea bird guano
Feather meal
Bone meal
Blood meal
Kelp meal
nitrogen pellets
sparetime tma (trace mineral)
shit i forgot what the others where
most of the things that were on revs list
endo ecto


I am doing a mix of mushroom compost old ocean forest and happyfrog black gold and pete
I am aiming to mix 50 50 compost and old soil, then cut with 30 to 40%perlite...and a couple pallets of worm castings

Is there a thread or does subcool know ,,,,,,,

1. Should i wait to top dress and brew my minerals and guanos for bloom....
2. Lots of these are at full strength for 60 days will i be waisting money by flushing my amendments out of the smart pots.
3. Is it possible to remove one of the mineral sources and still have a complete food source..
4. am i overdoing the minerals
5. Will humic powder in the soil be a waste.
6. should i treat the ppm on my runoff the same with og solubles as i do with chems.

Its seems the mix i made for the 100 gal beds is fine i havnt fed them in two weeks and they are raging......

sorry for the confusion in advance... my wife and baby are rushing me...

thanks all

ps plan b4 you plant