2 week old sprouts severly drooping!! NOT watering issue, please help!


Active Member
Ok, I know droppy leaves are USUALLY a sign of over/under watering, but I know how to water and that's not the issue. Water has been ph'ed and runoff both are on point (in soil). I only water when plants are bone dry (usually about every 3 days) in dixie cups. I then water and let all water drain out and put them back under lights.

I thought maybe it's the humidity? My humidy got down to 20% today. So, I added a humidifier but honestly, so far it isn't working to bring plants back.

Can they possibly be root bound after only 2 weeks?? I don't think so right?

Temps arent an issue. Temps are at 75F at canopy level.

I can post pics if needed... but basically they are all just droopy as shit.


Active Member
Ok, update... I took 1 of them out and it is definitely time to transplant!! roots are everywhere! wow, only 2 weeks old. My last grow, roots took 4 weeks to take up the dixie cups!!
diff strains do diff shit only beengrowing a short time and have a few diff varieties going at once both from seed and clones of same age i see major differences and each needs diff nutes water etc. its a bitch but it will keep you on your toes and really teach you how to grow.


Active Member
thanks for the reply man. yea just finished getting them all transplanted lol watta bitch. at least it's done. they're already looking a little less droopy i think.


Active Member
Yo dude my git 1 week in the cups~
I think yo seedlings right?
Yes from seeds... they have been dropping for a couple days though so they have probably been root bound since I think?

At any rate, they have ALL really perked up in just the couple hours since transplant!! They seem vigorous as hell haha