2 week old plant drying up?

Bill Smith

Active Member
I have a few plants now, and 1 especially has started getting its leaves dry as hell, and they are also all retarded looking, they are twisted around (not rolled up), and starting to turn all yellow. I know it isn't doing this because of lack of water because it has been getting PLENTY of water. I think that it may because it is in an open field and it is in too much direct sun light for too long and it can't take it this early, but idk.

Cannabis Cutie

Active Member
sounds like over fertilization I suggest waterin the plant with alot of water(to flush it) but only do that 1-2 times(1 time in a day) and only water w/ distilled water if that dont do it then its somethen else

Bill Smith

Active Member
I'll post a pic tomorrow of the plant.
There is also a really small plant thats stem is drying in the middle.

I had three seedlings in the ground, then they started getting yellow spots, so I moved them into potting soil in mason jars. I left them out in the open for about 2 days and noticed that the one thats drying really bad was starting to dry, then I moved them into shade. The only problem I have with the thrid plant is a few tiny yellow spots, and one of the round leaves has a brown spot.
The problem hasnt gotten any better since I put them into shade, and they have had ALOT of water.


New Member
lol-funny how people shout out "overfeeding" whenever theres any kind of leaf problems. It could be any number of things dude-Your ph, a deficiency, overwatering, over fertilization etc..Dont listen to any of this "flushing" advice-post some pics and take it from there.


Active Member
lol-funny how people shout out "overfeeding" whenever theres any kind of leaf problems. It could be any number of things dude-Your ph, a deficiency, overwatering, over fertilization etc..Dont listen to any of this "flushing" advice-post some pics and take it from there.
Very right you say u are giving it alott of watter could be over watering but it sounds to me like it could just be a chem burn or my best bet is that it is a desease because your sprouts have it to if you got all your seeds frome the same place I think that's what it is. And mason jars are a bad idea because if you go to transplant how are you going to get it out? I would suggest those plastic like partie cups u know the red ones