2 questions plz..


New Member
hi there so i got 2 newb questions for ya hope someone can answer.

1) when we talk about flowering times being 8-9 weeks for indicas 10-12 for sativas ,are we counting from the start of 12/12? or from when the plant actually starts to flower?,i ask this because mine took about 12 days after 12/12 initiation to show sex.

2) I had to tie the top of my plant to the wall at a 90 degree angle today because i was out of space and it was getting too close to my light.Well in a matter of hours the top has started to grow towards the light again but i notice now i have done this,the middle and lower part of the plant is getting more direct light as a result.Will this increase yield ? and should i do this in future grows whether or not my plant is too big?

Thanks for helping ! stay stoned :peace:


Well-Known Member
1. From when it actually flowers if it took that long to show. A good thing to do is when throwing into flower, give them 24-36 hours of darkness so they get the signal.

2. What you did is called LST. If you LST a plant early, it grows way more bud sites at mostly equal height, check mine out to see. But good idea to tie her down to avoid burning, I just suggested this to someone else that was having the same problem. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
you will get people saying both ! i start when switch to 12/12 but all plants seem to take slightly longer than advertised in my experience.
they are done when they are done. if for eg you grow out ten seeds out the same pack some will take longer than others.
the breeders times are estimates just a guide really.


Active Member
question one: Flowering begins when the plant begins to show it sex.

question two: tieing down is fine and won't hurt your plant, next time try to Lst (low stress training) its the process of trying down your plant the whole grow. Therefore making your plant low and get more yield.


Active Member
For your first question, I would say toss that ratio because you can harvest whenever you want depending on how the trichromes look. Regarding question numero 2, you just figured out low stress training (LST) all by your lonesome! It does help with over all efficiency of the plant, but as far as yeild, it's arguable. Main reason for this is that all the energy that would normally be going into your main colas and not so much into the lower half of the plant, is now going into the lower half and it will balance out the whole of the plant. Your yield could benefit from this if the amount of available light at the top is more than the plant can actually use. THIS all depends on the overall health of your root system. Using LST along with other methods like FIM technique and Supercropping will definitely increase your yeild.

Hope this helps and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
you will get people saying both ! i start when switch to 12/12 but all plants seem to take slightly longer than advertised in my experience.
they are done when they are done. if for eg you grow out ten seeds out the same pack some will take longer than others.
the breeders times are estimates just a guide really.
Agreed! The 8-9 weeks to me is just to help with when to flush and give you a round about of when they will be ready. The only way you will really know when their ready is by looking at the trichs. I told him when they flowered cause it took them 12 days to show.