2 plants grown, both lost primary leaves HELP PLS


Active Member
Ok ive never even gotten past the seedling stage with my growing. I grew a white widow plant once, and once the 2 round primary leaves grew and the serrated leaves began to grow all of a sudden 1 of the serrated leaves and 1 of the round leaves died. i thought it was a bug, but then later i thought they got burned off cus i left a tiny droplet of water on the leaves(which i know not to do). but it refused to grow after that so i threw it out.

now again im growing this bagseed, i didnt do the paper towel thing i just planted the dry seed directly into moist soil (NPK 0.13-0.04-0.09) and it germinated fine, the 2 round leaves leaves were a very green healthy color but then all of a sudden one of the round leaves lookedl ike it had been eaten or something. but then i noticed that a tiny strand of that leaf was hanging and the large part of that leaf was hanging down by the stem...as if the leaf was torn or something. i konw i did not do this. the only change i did was about 12 hours before this happened i added 1-2 drops of a 3%/97% hydrogen peroxide/water solution to try and help boost the roots. did the h2o2 ruin it? did a bug eat it? i know the light couldnt have done it cus it just germinated so i use sunlight for 14hours and a HPS bulb afterwards. is it natural for 1 or 2 of the round leaves to die so soon after germination? i only have 1 of the round leaves now...will my plant still grow with 1 primary leaf or is it as good as dead?

PLEASE help me im so frustrated i have all this technical knowledge and have studied growing for months but for some mysterious reason i cant even get past the germination stages

the pic of the problem is attached



Sure it will grow, just stop messing with it. It just spouted and you're talking about NPK amounts and H202 root boosters. No. Like the other Joe said "just leave it alone"


Active Member
no i dont have a cat or any other animal. but the soil i have has the .13-.04-.09 built into it. althought there are quite a few gnats/aphids and even some tiny spiders in that soil. i dont know if i should get an insectiicde spray or not yet cus the plant is so young i dont want to kill it. the bugs arent a problem really, just annoying when i see em fly around my monitor. theyre not everywhere, i just see 1-2 in my room every day. whether they are the same ones i never am able to catch and kill or new oens i dunno


Well-Known Member
Don't fuss over it so much, many a plant has been killed by kindness.
Forget the h202, and dont water all the time.
The soil needs to be moist, then dryish, then moist etc. but never wet all the time.
You will be surprised how much they like (need) Oxygen around the roots,
and if you keep watering too much they will suffocate and die.:blsmoke: