2 plants 1 pot


Well-Known Member
i was wondering because of space issues if i could put 2 plants in one pot..the pot is 16'' wide by 12'' deep..right now the plants are about 8-10 inches high and 25 days old...is this tottaly a bad idea because of root issues..what would happen to the roots if they were to touch each other? or the sides of the pot?..i have other options but this one would be the easiest...any advice would be appreciated,,thx :joint:


Well-Known Member
basic math for soil volume need for perfect grow is one gollon per foot plant;)
that is the rule of thumb:)
2 plants in a single pot are never a good idea, if you got an space issue with round pots look rather into square or rectangular pots to grow in.

by the way, what do you grow there that is 10" tall after only 25days of time, a sativa strain? and what light do you use?


Active Member
yeah i would say its a bad idea too because how are you going to transplant them when you need to? you're going to have to at some point and the roots are probably gonna be tangled up...plus sativas have large root systems too..

but on the other hand...8-10 inches for 25 days thats pretty impressive..


Well-Known Member
yeah i would say its a bad idea too because how are you going to transplant them when you need to? you're going to have to at some point and the roots are probably gonna be tangled up...plus sativas have large root systems too..

but on the other hand...8-10 inches for 25 days thats pretty impressive..
first, i asked him if he is growing a sativa strain, he never stated that so far, 10in in 25 days is rather a sign of stretching which is not impressive at all but worrying. so if you don't want to sound noob read first;)


Well-Known Member
ok figured that was a bad idea thx.....and they are just bagseed from some above average bud..im usig 7 42w cfl's..its actually day 28 now and my biggest is 8'' and the other 3 are 7''...really only one of em looks like its stretchin a lttle(its in the back corner),,i have the lights close..like 2 inches..the big one is on its eight node already..so is 8 inches tall for that,,i dunno this is my first time


Well-Known Member
post a pic of them and i tell you what blood flows in their veins;) but if the grow that tall with all lights within 2" from the plants it sounds a lot like sativa. look into topping then and LST or just tying them the way you want them to grow, it is really needed to grow sativa well in a indoor grow;)


Well-Known Member
thx green...im havin a hard time findin a cable to get my pics on the comp..my digi camera is old as hell,,hopefully soon...but i was plannin on topping em soon..just wasnt sure when was a good height,,i have plenty of room height wise,,just width wise is my problem.. i have to transplant them soon to bigger pots so i will probably top them then..should i do it before or after? or does it not matter..thx for the help


Well-Known Member
the question when to replant them to a bigger pot is a tricky one. i go with the rule not to do it until roots show at the drainage holes, so roots get visible there. but then you really have to act soon too!


Well-Known Member
lol..ya i hear ya..i noticed one of them showing at the bottom yesterday..so i went out and got new pots today..i can fit 3 in there tightly,,but no way the 4 is gonna go..square pots is a damn good idea..wish i talked to you before i went shoppin..lol i guess im gonna have to set somthin up seperatley for the 4..jus tryin to keep this as low profile as possible..im sure ill end up gettin a male or 2 anyway so this will help my space issue...but id rather have that problem then havin to throw any away..im sure you kno wat i mean..lol


Well-Known Member
lol..ya i hear ya..i noticed one of them showing at the bottom yesterday..so i went out and got new pots today..i can fit 3 in there tightly,,but no way the 4 is gonna go..square pots is a damn good idea..wish i talked to you before i went shoppin..lol i guess im gonna have to set somthin up seperatley for the 4..jus tryin to keep this as low profile as possible..im sure ill end up gettin a male or 2 anyway so this will help my space issue...but id rather have that problem then havin to throw any away..im sure you kno wat i mean..lol
if you plan on chucking one out, take a clone of all and put in flowering to determent the sex of each plant without flowering them really;) so you don't kick a girl out of your grow:)


Well-Known Member
ya good idea....i think ill do that...if not im just gonna set up another box in my spare bedroom.. im pretty surprised at how big they got this fast..so next time around im gonna set somethin up like twice the size..and go for an hps..im just tryin to keep this secret from all my friends(who are always snoopin around the place lol) cause they all have big mouths and like to gossip like old ladies..but this time im just tryin to get a feel for the whole process,,thx for the advice


Active Member
hey iv never grown befor and me and my friends are wondering the basics on how to grow in a pot out side and moving it in and out any help would be apriciated i allso hav questions on it is my first time so ima newb at it


Well-Known Member
hey iv never grown befor and me and my friends are wondering the basics on how to grow in a pot out side and moving it in and out any help would be apriciated i allso hav questions on it is my first time so ima newb at it
damn it, look into the sticks of this noob section and stop spamming threads of others with our questions, open a new tread for this or you will get some major spanking soon:evil:


Well-Known Member
ya my friends are always rifling through my stuff so i cant wait till i start flowering and the place stinks of bud 24/7..gonna have to think of some good excuses..lol ..ill just tell em i started smokin a shit load more joints....


Well-Known Member
ya my friends are always rifling through my stuff so i cant wait till i start flowering and the place stinks of bud 24/7..gonna have to think of some good excuses..lol ..ill just tell em i started smokin a shit load more joints....
build yourself a active carbon filter and plug it up to your ventilation, you can by them as well, add some lemon or orange oil (just a tiny little drop!) and the smell is pretty much gone:D


Well-Known Member
ya i was lookin at a few peoples setups and thats excactly what i need..i live in a real old house and have some new neighbors above me,,the smell will probably seep up to them in all the cracks in the drywall an shit,,lol...so you say i can buy one of those..would that be at like home depot or is that somthin a little more specific to another store


Well-Known Member
by the way thanx for ya patience i kno im a sick noob..but you shoulda saw my room before i read so much on this site..when i get that cable for my camera ill post a before and after pic..youll laugh your balls off...crinkled up tin foil and bad lighting everywhere..lol ...who new there was this much to it...but anyway thx for the advice


Well-Known Member
by the way thanx for ya patience i kno im a sick noob..but you shoulda saw my room before i read so much on this site..when i get that cable for my camera ill post a before and after pic..youll laugh your balls off...crinkled up tin foil and bad lighting everywhere..lol ...who new there was this much to it...but anyway thx for the advice
PLEASE, GET THE TIN FOIL OUT NOW! go with flate white paint, non glossy, just flate white. best is with TiO2 in;)

the carbon filters you could get in the A/C section of better stocked home depots but i never tried it there so far, hydro stores carry them for sure;) activated carbon pellets you can get at aquatic, hydro, pet shops and some better home depots and walmarts, phone in at them and as, say you need it for a fuckin big fish tank/pond/pool/hot tube or whatever filter;) they will buy it:D