2-plant 4.25g hydro setup


Well-Known Member
hahahahaa nice
well my grow cab is still under construction partly because i keep changing my ideas :)
erm i ll be using a 125w red spectrum enviro light.
2 42w cfls
and i have this half blue half white fluero tube form a wierd wall picture that my mate had.


Well-Known Member
well ill probs be adding more 125w red spectrums anyways. because i dont have a lot of room im trying to make the most of what there is so there no point filling the grow cab with veg lights lol

its just 1 of the many fun things to figure out while growing.


Active Member
mm. Also, I'm trying to figure out my lighting situation. I have a socket hanging off of a cord that goes up, over, and down, hangman style, like this:

| |
| |
* \

I'm thinking about a power strip on each side (2 total) and 2 or 3 bulbs on each. Maybe Red blue Red and Blue red Blue, who knows.


Well-Known Member
erm yeh thats what id do , or you can do that but have all blue lights so it vegs loads then swap all the blue for red when u go to flower?


Active Member
In any case, 6 would be better than 3, no matter the spectrum. More lumens is more growth, period. It would be nice to have 6 blue and 6 red though =)


Active Member
Oh, here's a little update. I afro-engineered (nigga rigged) a cardboard box to make a reflector, with the help of some aluminum tape. I then angled it so the front part facing me was down and the back towards the fan was up, so it created an upwards vent. Then I took the same concept and made a cardboard "duct" from the bottom fan to the plant, which you can see in the picture.



Active Member
The total area around that plant is no more than 5 or 6 square inches on every side. Good light and air management =)

By the way, the intake duct i was talking about is what is behind the fan, angling up. It works wonders!


Well-Known Member
nice, im making a stealth cab , just need to wait for some construction work to be finished.
are u using soil? i thought u were goin dwc or are u just getting it started.


Active Member
Yeah, i've been using soil up to now, and i'm going to transplant that one to DWC and if its a femmie i'll clone, if its got nuts i'll hash it.


Active Member
The good thing about my situation is I get free heat / electricity, and the pops doesn't care that I'm growing it, so I'm all set, haha.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha cool cool im gonna use the dwc straight away, well using rockwool cubes.
u gonna be using any growing techniques like lst, topping.
i got a feeling this is gonna a fun learning experience for both of us.


Active Member
I already topped that little one. No LST for me, i'm hoping I can fill up the cabinet with it =)

I'm growing for emotional stability. Pot keeps me in the norm. Better than anti-depressants and xanax!


Active Member
All of my fan leaves (not the new ones growing) seem to be getting lighter, the whole leaf though. And the veins are all red. Its. . . . . HUMAN!!

Nah, whats wrong? haha.


Well-Known Member
erm not sure as i said before im not expert, could be some kind of deficiency
or just the plants genetics


Active Member
Bahahahah. Well, now that you mention it, I grow so that Dark Side Of The Moon takes me on a space ship every time I put it in =)


Active Member
I wouldn't doubt deficiancy, this soil I got is probably the worst you could get.

I bought what should be mixed into normal soil, and the plants just chillin' in it. Its uh, I guess you mix it with your garden soil to provide blablabla. But it worked well in the beginning. Just need it to be alive until I get my dro setup done!


Well-Known Member
hahahahah nah i was just interested in the way it was produced, and i always wondered if i could do better?