2-3 week old seedligs need help!


Plants were great, after 8 days gave them nutes, started to look a little burned so just gave them filtered pH 5.8 water. Week later the oldest plants started with the ends of leaves getting what looked like a yellowish brown dust on them but no dust just that color. Now the upper leaves are striped yellow and older leaves are dying on the ends. Please, don't want these big bud, white widow, northern lights girls to die!

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Yea, chill on the nutes. If your using distilled or RO then you need to add a very little amount of cal/mag otherwise tap should be fine for your plants at this stage. Let tap sit out a bit to let chlorine evap.


Well-Known Member
Plants were great, after 8 days gave them nutes, started to look a little burned so just gave them filtered pH 5.8 water. Week later the oldest plants started with the ends of leaves getting what looked like a yellowish brown dust on them but no dust just that color. Now the upper leaves are striped yellow and older leaves are dying on the ends. Please, don't want these big bud, white widow, northern lights girls to die!
Like many new growers you have bought some beans and thought you could grow. Read some books and ask some questions before you go off half cocked and missfire. With that being said you need to tell us what medium you're growing in. What lights you're using. What water schedule you're running, and never never feed a baby nutes for at least the first 3 to 4 weeks. Answer my questions and try to post pics and the help will come...


Well-Known Member
i just used a seed started from pro-mix for first time. i didnt feed anything till 5-6th week, and only 2 out of 76 plants then. i'm just trying to show you that they will let you know when they're hungry. after a few years you should be able to look at each plant as an individual, you will know when you get there.


Thanks for your reply just confused that I stopped notes then 8 days later this problem starts. 5 day old seedlings getting same water and no problems. Think could be cal mag deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply just confused that I stopped notes then 8 days later this problem starts. 5 day old seedlings getting same water and no problems. Think could be cal mag deficiency?
not with babies, slipons right I hope you're growing in coco cuz if you're in soil your ph is way too low..here
