1week into flowering problems


I have a problem but first time grower flowering week 2
4x4x6 tent
1000watt hps air cooled temp 69-84 F humidity 30-80%
currently 3 bagseed female vegged until preflowering at day45
Topped lst 3 gallon bags

i have noticed yellowing and brown wilting of lower inner node leaves on the two ladies that the low stressed trained. I have another also that is bagseed of the same bag growing straight up topped once and she is verybig vigorous and green. Wondering if maybe llockout ??

Need help loading picture
nutes are jack classic all purpose and bloom as needed once a week 1/4 strength working up slowly. No burning and been healthy green until now 10-30-20 I believe at 1/4 I'm using now. Also been told it nigh be salt build up?? Please help


Well-Known Member
lol guys, give the man a break... did u not read the "
  • Need help loading picture "

part of his post? lol


Well-Known Member
honestly bro anything anyone said would be a guess @ best without a picture.
on the phone is prolly hard to send pics. send a pic from ur cell to ur email address.
open it from ur email address and save on ur comp and upload from ur comp. thats what i would do


Ok that was a shot in he dark random pic. They will be comin out shortly. Hopefully I can do it again lol. Thanks for he patience ft Myers


12/12 until 9. I'm very excited to post pic as I am very stealth like and less people know in person the better. I think I will start a journal now that I have figured this picture thing and how to navigate the site well as a member and not a google search.