1st True Grow, Jack Herrer, Week 5 of Veg... Defficiency? Please Help! (With Pics)

Zippo Guy

Hi Guys, As the title states, Help is needed!
I'm new to the site, and still getting to grips with the layout, so please forgive if i should be posting this elsewhere, feel free to let me know.

So here it is:
I'm Vegging 3 Jack Herrer females, day 2 of week 5 since planting seed, and for the past 2-3 days I have been noticing some rusty looking patches on the lower leaves of my babies :(

-2 are in 7.5l pots and seem to be ok... they had similar problem a few days ago but i trimmed the affected leaves (I'm v. cautious with trimming, so have plenty of foliage), and they seem to be lovin life at the moment :D.

-The other was in 3.5l or something due to lack of pots (has since been re-potted).

-Using AN Sensi Grow AB, Voodoo Juice, n occasionally Hygrozyme (still unsure how to use this, usually use it after re-potting).

-Plant Magic+ Soil, with "Flour" Fine Dolomite Lime, and Perlite added.

-Water PH usually 5.9-6.3, Last feed was EC 0.93.

-Soil PH 6.9 when planted, haven't checked since then. (tut tut)

-Light On: 22.8C - 24.7C, RH 30% (extraction on) - 60% (extraction off). Light Off: 18.2C - 21.5, RH 50% - 75% (extraction off).

- 600W MH dimmed to 400W if necessary, TD350/125 SILENT extraction fan on half power, I grow in a custom built cupboard approx. 150cm(length) 160cm(height) 80cm(depth).

First day I noticed it, it was a lot fainter and I didn't see any damage on the lower part of the leaves.
Next day seemed ok, definitely no worse, so went about my duties...
After a small trimming session (plants v. bushy, seem to be growing new tops out of the sides), I FIM'd them, and about 3-4 hours before lights out, I re-potted the smaller one into soil mix I had prepared for the flowering stage (same mix but with 1 cup H&G Batmix soil per 5 cups Plant Magic soil), as this was the only soil mix I had ready...
An hour before lights off, I checked in on her, and it seems worse!!! :( The leaves are quite dry, and literally look like they've been misted with rust!

So the question is what the hell is this?!
At first I thought it was a cal/mg issue, so thought a re-pot might help, also because she was starting to outgrow her pot a bit...
I gave her a water with PH 6.3 RO water, but as I said, last I checked, things seemed worse!
The more I think about it, the less it seems a defficiency, but at the same time, what else could it be? A fungus?!? Air circulation is good so I doubt it...

I am half asleep due to stressing all night about this, so please let me know if there is any useful info I have forgotten, and any advice you guys have.
I'm not an idiot, just a bit of a noob you might say when it comes to defficiencies...

Thanks in advance guys, It hurts knowing the plants aren't happy lol!


Zip :)

(Last 5 pics are from just before lights off today, others are from day before)

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P.S. last pic is not the rust problem I've been having, more of a curiosity really... can anyone realate to it?
Doesn't seem to be an issue, some leaves have had these strange lil patterns since about week 3?

Zippo Guy

well, quick update I guess:
I have since trimmed one of the worst leaves along with others. New growth is doing well, and plant generally looks healthy.
Still have one leaf like this on smaller plant, other plants seem perfectly healthy and are really growing!

I guess that rules out Fungi or Bugs...
Anyone got any ideas?

Any help would be appreciated!