1st timer


Active Member
7 orginal seedlings on day 6 now and have not broken the soil. Maybe i fucked something up.

New bag of soil. New seeds Fresh clean materials.

5 more seeds started today sank in the water and now are in the soil.

Probably wont update for 3 days or so.

pictures coming when something worth picturing happens.

Pray for my ladies.

edit. New seeds still being bag seeds i don't know the strain but it was some good headies


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the seed dude i preffer the paper towel plate method myself, then i can make sure i have a 1/4 inch tap root before soil, make sure your soil is always damp so the roots dont dry out or your hooped. keep trying dude, good luck!


Active Member
7 orginal seedlings on day 6 now and have not broken the soil. Maybe i fucked something up.

New bag of soil. New seeds Fresh clean materials.

5 more seeds started today sank in the water and now are in the soil.

Probably wont update for 3 days or so.

pictures coming when something worth picturing happens.

Pray for my ladies.

edit. New seeds still being bag seeds i don't know the strain but it was some good headies
Good luck on the germination!!
Just make sure that the soil/medium you put them into is not drenched with water (you want the medium you put the seeds into to be damp, not sopping wet. if its too wet then the seeds may start to mold before they get to the surface :( )

Anyways I got my fingers X'd for ya. Good luck :)


Active Member
thanks guys, anyways on a side note i want to make a PC grow box as a side project , dopewear seems to have a awesome set up

I have plenty of parts to computers n such...is there a certain way to Hardwire the fans to the PC power supply someone could wlak me through this i'd be apperciative i dunt wanna burn down my house being stupid


Well-Known Member
oh shit i guess that wont be much help i just read you wanted it to the pc power supply you need to go to the DIY sub-forum i know theres a thread in there that walks you through it, it seemed to sketchy for me thats why i didnt do it, sorry for the useless diagram lol. good luck let see some picks of the case build!


Active Member
i can you use any extention cord with no ground ? that would save me alot of wasted power right?

Another thing my fans have a yellow wire as well as teh black and red one?


Well-Known Member
you can use a cell phone charger or 12 adapter... any of those work but i did because i didnt trust the power supple idea i ran a power bar cord out the back when the power would be so it looks like the normal power cord from a distance but if you want to get technical try the poser supply or cut and strip the end of your power bar cord and soder the pos. neg. and grnd. to the 3 sprong that hook up to the power supply so your pretty much bypassing the power supply there for it can be taken out, and the you use your normal pc case cable so its pretty much just like an extention of the power bar cord... i dont know if any of that made sense im kind of high... good luck or just take a look in the DIY sub forum lots of helpful shit there.


Active Member
you can use a cell phone charger or 12 adapter... any of those work but i did because i didnt trust the power supple idea i ran a power bar cord out the back when the power would be so it looks like the normal power cord from a distance but if you want to get technical try the poser supply or cut and strip the end of your power bar cord and soder the pos. neg. and grnd. to the 3 sprong that hook up to the power supply so your pretty much bypassing the power supply there for it can be taken out, and the you use your normal pc case cable so its pretty much just like an extention of the power bar cord... i dont know if any of that made sense im kind of high... good luck or just take a look in the DIY sub forum lots of helpful shit there.
lol. you made sense :p I was going to use a PC power supply for the pc fans also, but i decided to just go with the 12v cell charger myself also :p The power supply would be easy enough (just connect your pos/neg to the hd/floppy cable pos/neg and youd be good to go) but i decided against the power supply simply because its another large item and its just as easy to use a 12v charger cord :p


Active Member
after bout 2 hours of playing around i now have a computer tower with 2 exuast and 1 intake

trying to make it "Light tight atm"


Active Member
nice :) I woulda never figured that many lights would have fit in there :) woot keep up the awesome work :)


Active Member
Now if i could stop failing at germination. i could use my lights
I would just put them in a few tiny peat pots & put it in a humidity tray then leave alone less they are dry :p :)

I've got my fingers X'd for ya, hope to see some lil seedlings running around this forum soon :)


Active Member
I think this is day 9? for my first set of germination? so i am carefully but not giving a shit at the same time digging to see if any have even taken root.

only doing this b/c i don't care at this point about this first set.

Wondering if bugs from first box are in soil, or if i over watered some how (maybe not right drainage) i dunno but
I'm doing my old way of germation on the tips of DW and EpysN paper towel till it pops.


Well-Known Member
our method is the shit! lol go to home depot and pick up one of those 24 peat pellet humidity trays they are made by jiffy and only like 5$. with that and the paper towel method you should be golden! if confused look at my OD Grow in the sig i used the paper towel and peat pellets and i had them all germ and sprout but 1 which i neglected. good luck