1st timer, needing help and advice!


Well-Known Member
yeeah dude lowryder soundz sick. i needa get me some, but, as for the moment ive just put some random/unknown seeds in moist soil, hoping theyll sprout, hey, whats the method ive been seeing lately? its where u get the seeds and put em in a mug, then put a plate over the top?? does this work best? in ur opinion, wot works best?

nd btw, when i transplanted, alot of the old dirt fell aprt and came off, does this matter? i saw a video of transplanting and the guy just chucked all the old dirt in the new pot too. i didnt know this when i did it, but it shood be perfectly fine, im just babying her too much. lol.

laterz dude,



Well-Known Member
im downloading BudsForLess by SeeMoreBuds, lol, found it on torrent site, can't wait, apparently he's the Martha Stewart of growing weed lol.

its all about cfls too, which will be interesting.

anywayz, keep checkin this post. regular updates.

laterz guys



Well-Known Member
just lined my box with Aluminium Flasher, looks alot like mylar, it just the same aluminium they use to make cans out of, but this is just long sheets of it. seems to b working fine.

wondering....are my lights too close to my plant? and, does it look like it has nute deficiency? it's stem is starting to go a little bit red-ish.
i have never fed it, but the potting mix is enriched with Nitrosol Plant Food.

just read SeeMore's book, BudsForLess, fucking great, well the first 10 pages anyway. lol.

that guy really is the Martha Stewart of weed growing.

anyway, phones dead so ill post pics soon




Well-Known Member
shitty pics with phone just before it died again. sorry fellas, ill have some higer quality ones later. but yeah, can u see the aluminum flash sheeting? i figured out that most bulb reflectors are made out of aluminum, so i stole some sheeting from my friend, lol, well, he gave it to me, but anywayz, and i nailed it to my box today, and seems to b going ok. stem a little bit red tho, see if u can tell if theres anything wrong. cause' i cant figure it out man. lol. and my leaves are going a little bit yello, cfl-burning maybe?



Well-Known Member
Wow - I will try to answer all these questions for you - shouldn't be too hard - I'm high so I'm focused. 1) I personally used the paper towel method & have about 95 percent positive results. Some people soak them in water for 24 hours & then put them in soil. Some people just put them right in moist soil. All these methods work - do whatever you feel most confident about yourself. 2) Mixing some of the old dirt in with the new dirt when you transplant actually helps reduce shock, but as long as the root ball is kept intact there should not be any problems. It's kinda like when you buy fish for an aquarium - you have to let the fish get used to the water you know. It's o.k. to love your plant & all, but also remember it is a WEED - you don't have to totally baby it for it to grow. No longer want to paint it white in their huh? Red stem - no need to worry. Many people say it's plant genetics which could very well be true, but I have my own theories through observation. I notice this quite often on plants in their seedling stage & I believe it is actually a combination of genetics along with nut. uptake. The stem is so small & skinny at this point I think your're seeing the plant uptake it's food. Just my opinion, not a fact. Last but not least - your lights. Back them off maybe an inch or two. CFLs don't really get too hot but in a space like that they might generate a small portion of heat. Hope this info helps!


Well-Known Member
I see those leaves reacting nicely to the extra light - the extra light will really help keep the plant from stretching!


Well-Known Member
cheers dude!

yeah ill just remove something to make the plant a little bit lower, because it would be difficult to move my lights, set up is odd. lol.

nd sweet as, about the red stem, had me worried, lol. but yeah thats awesome.

but the transplant could have gone better, but, i might just be high, or im seeing new green growth sprouting out of the middle, and the leaves are getting a little bit bigger each day, so it went alright i hope. lol

soil was dry about 4 inches down, so i watered it today for the first time since the transplant. i misted the leaves alittle bit, then i sprinkled water in one spot and rotated my pot around so i could water evenly.

anyway, yeah thanks for that dude, ill go move something in my box now, keep checking post.

laterz dude

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Well-Known Member
looking good so far... a few suggestions for you, get a ph tester ASAP, many grows have been ruined by not monitoring the ph they can be had cheap anyplace you can find supplies for aquariums, normallly a kit including adjustment drops is about $5 us..... and I am not sure about the aluminum stuff you have as far as I know anything aluminum will reflect heat, andthat is a bad thing since you are using cfls you would be better off hanging white pinter paper imo..... good luck


Well-Known Member
dammit really??


it took me like an hour to mount all that aluminum, fuck/

but howcome cfl reflectors are made from aluminum ?

and yeah ill stop misting.

ill go tear down my reflective stuff nd put some paper back in there.. lol.

keep posting, ill b back soon guys.



Well-Known Member
im savin up for some lowryder seeds, feminized ofcourse, so ill have guaranteed 5 females. should be awesome, in the meanwhile, ill just get some practice with this unknown seed and see how it turns out.

any advice on where to buy y splitters? i need some....and i ran into an issue today/// one of my 24 watt globes broke today afte trying to screw it into a floodlight fixture thingy. but im using another 24 watt globe in the exact same floodlight fixture, and it works, i tought one of them were faulty...but then it worked in my bedroom light socket, so i tried it in the fixture and it just didnt light up...... weird problem...looks like it doesnt fit in the fixture, but i have another one exactly the same and it does....weird or what?

anyway, i needa find like, parts to make a lamp...i.e. the power cord and lamp holder.

or a bathroom fixture, or smething...sorry lol,. just thinking aloud/





Well-Known Member
Hey...you can still mist the plant when it's not in direct light. All of the supplies you're looking for should be available at any type of hardware store, home improvement store, or dept. store in the home section. If you can adjust that fan try to get it blowing on the plant itself - this will greatly improve stem strength & thickness. i believe your plant is still in it's seedling stage - I'll explain if you need because it can be cofusing - It is said that Cannabis plants don't start vegatative growth until they are 4 to 5 weeks old. Remember your plant got a late start.


Well-Known Member
yeah sweet explain that whole thing to me if u wouldnt mind man, it is confusing.

and yeah, the fan moves around and it does blow on the plant quite alot, i just got told to not point the fan directly at the plant, so its oscillating around in there.

and yeah, i went to my local hardware shop, and like they dont have y splitters or cfls above 23 watt. ive found some y splitters on ebay for cheap, so ill get them, but yeah, and i havent been to a hydro shop yet, going on monday to get Ph test kit, and some mylar if i have enough spare cash. im un-employed at the moment so im on a tight ass budget. lol.

thnkz man, laterz



Well-Known Member
ok get your lights closer plant looks a little strectched, and any stoe that sales supploes to take care of an aqaurium should have ph test supplies


Well-Known Member
stretch, really? someone told me to move the lights further away last week. but if u think its better ill put a book or something under the tray to get it closer.


Well-Known Member
Your plant was already strectched - it's in the process of fixing itself - the lights are fine.


Well-Known Member
The fan moves - excellent! I wasn't sure about that & you heard correctly - you should not have the fan blowing directly & constanly on the plant.