1st time grower


Active Member
helllooooo im a first time grower and i kinda ran into a problem. i germinated my seeds using the wet paper towel technique, it worked but yeah i planted the germinated seeds in the growing cups about 6 hours ago, but the soil wasnt moist, it was dry, and the light was shining on it so that didnt make it any better. so when i got home about just an hour ago i forgot the soil had to be moist, so then i then added water to the soil so it would be moist but i do not if the germinated seeds died off already because it was in dry soil for about 6 or 7 hours, do i still have a chance of them growing? sry if this was confusing


they could have dired out and died, i've acciddently left germinated seeds in the towel and it dried out - they died, but you could still be ok, just keep an eye on them, you will know if none of them come out of the soil after a week.


Active Member
k thnx, just 1 more thing, how often does it take for it to come out of the soil? and is it true that pee makes it grow faster?

Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
k thnx, just 1 more thing, how often does it take for it to come out of the soil? and is it true that pee makes it grow faster?
jrm...it could be 2 days, and it could be 10; there is no set or standard schedule. And, no, pee [urine] doesn't make plants grow faster. You will hear/find from most amateur growers that this is a very foolish practice; another urban legend. That said, there is a use for human urine in the growing cycle of marijuana, but that comes down to a personal choice. And, personally, I don't use this method.

For your sake, I hope you didn't, but fear you did cook your seeds. Nice thing about being a rookie, is that you LEARN from your mistakes. Your next effort should meet with success! Knowledge is power, and more knowledge you have will help you be a better gardner!



Well-Known Member
First it's a crapshoot on if those babies will sprout. Keep your fingers crossed.

Second don't pee on them.

Third they come up on there own schedule. Right now I have 4 in cups. One sprouted yesterday and the others who knows?


I've never had a bean not sprout that germinated in a towel properly. always sprouts within a week, usually days


Active Member
fuuuuck i woke up this morning and one of the seeds was on top of the dirt, how it got all the way up there idk. i guess i watered it to much or somthing, then the light was shining on it to. man nothing is going well for me in this growing stuff. shits to hard

Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
fuuuuck i woke up this morning and one of the seeds was on top of the dirt, how it got all the way up there idk. i guess i watered it to much or somthing, then the light was shining on it to. man nothing is going well for me in this growing stuff. shits to hard
Not to bust your B@LLS, but, if you are giving up after one try, then you shouldn't grow. It takes BOTH knowledge AND patience; I think most veteran cultivators would echo that. Read and re-read posts on how to accomplish what you hope to do; most "newbies" skip this and want results that will win the next Cannibus Cup. You'll learn much from the experience of others in this forum, IF YOU SEEK IT...it's a rewarding hobby, with rewarding results.



Active Member
also seems like perhaps you need to research a bit more. Read the beginners guide and see if that doesnt help your confidence. Start out with an open mind and by your third or fourth grow, you'll be a pro!


Active Member
well i started out with 5 seeds, 3 of them germinated, 1 of those died off,so only 2 seeds sprouted, 1 is sprouting perfect, and the other one already lost its shell and its not even that big of a sprout yet, and its leaning to the left real bad, what can i do to fix that? but atleast i still have 1 seem to be goin good sprout.


Active Member
Yeah dude, don't give up. I'm on my second try myself. The first one froze to death in my attic and then got infested with some kind of winged ant-like insect. It was disgusting and I was discouraged, but don't give up! You just keep trying. Each try you get better, you learn from screwing up. Everyone screwed up a lot at the beginning. :)

Remember...if you don't give up, at the end of your adventure is FREE BUD. Fresh and all yours! Good luck man keep trying.


Well-Known Member
JRM. I currently have 8 plants I wake up almost every morning with leaning plants. My lights are on 6am to 12am 18 hours. If you see it leaning towards the light the turn it 180 degrees and it will fix itself. Whereever the pedals are leaning to have its back to the light and the it will want the light so it will straighten up... not sure if this makes sense if not I' will take pics to show you what I mean. It's one of those gardening things I picked up on when I was a kid my grandpa was an avid gardner. Only mine are are about 2 inches tall in pretty skinny. So iuno haha.

peace and good luck


Your plants will lean with the light, your seed shell comming out of the dirt could be your sprout with a shell on it's head. its happened to me, just let it fall off naturally. or if you tap it real gently and it pops off, that should be ok too, just don't go pulling at it, and don't give up. I didnt fail my first time. so i don't know the feeling, but you still shouldnt give.


Active Member
I just plant my seed in the soil about 3/4" hole,cover and water. In a couple of days they sprout.


Active Member
hey thanks alot guys for giving me all these tips since i was a first time grower. i only have 1 plant sprouted, i started off with 5 seeds, but 1 is better then nothing. and it seems to be growing good. but atleast i already learned from my mistakes, so the next time i grow it will go better. but here are 2 pictures i took this morning. here are 2 pictures i took this morning just to show yall.

and they only sprouted 2 days ago.


Well-Known Member
not bad looking.Mine around around the same ae as your's just a little taller. I just added some prop sticks to a few cause they got pretty damn tall quick lol

good luck man


Well-Known Member
sometimes what i like to do is take my 8" deep by 6.5" wide pot. i put an inch or so of large gravel at the bottom then cover with 2" of soil. poke a hole an inch deep in the center. drop in a sprouted seed. cover with dirt. i place them under shop lights. as the seedling grows i fill the pot with soil. a coulpe inches every couple of days. by the time it has grown to the top of the pot it has an 8" deep tap root. sometimes it won't make it to the top before developing sets of leaves. i just snip the bottom leaves and continue to bury. i always end up with fat stout stalks from the start. side roots grow out of the buried stem. root structure develops much faster. i'll be posting photos tonight at 8:20 check 'em out tonight.


Active Member
i have a 2-3 inch plant im using a 75w spot light i got told it was a good light to use it looks really healthy should i change the light when my plant gets bigger? thanks