1st time grower needs help


Active Member
I know this question has probobly been asked a thousand times. I have 6 plants that have been growing in my window for about 6 weeks now and are almost too big to keep there any longer and I want to move them to my closet which is about 2x4x8. What kind of light(s) should I use for them? My budget is rather thin and I cant really do too much "construction" to it. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
as many as you can afford get the highest wattage you can find

6500k veg
2700k flower

it doesnt hurt to mix up the spectrum. Get the y adapters put two of each spectrum in each socket


Active Member
alright......my thought process is fucked atm (and i kill brain cells daily)......how many bulbs would that be almost exactly?
the only answer i can think of is possibly 3 25 watt cfl's @ about 1,800 lumens a piece for the 6500k maybe?
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Active Member
just get a 400 watt hps. you can pick them up cheap from second hand shops. Just gotta look around. Produce much better yield and grow quicker. Just get your temp right and airflow good and ul be harvesting in no time at all. Check growFAQ coz ul find all your answers are there. PEACE :peace:


Active Member
alright.....turns out I have 3 50w hps bulbs......all i need is a fixture with the right ballast......does that work?


Active Member
a couple of cfl's wont work on six plants. you would need 2 or 3 42 watt bulbs for each plant. when you add up the price of all those lights and the cost of electricity, you'd be a lot better off getting an hps light. for six plants, a 400 watt light should be good. just keep them pretty close together under the light. htg supply is the cheapest place i know of to buy an hps light new. they put out a lot of heat though. if you can put your plants and light into a closet and leave the door open with a decent fan blowing air around under the light, you should be ok. definately though, six plants are way too many to bother with cfl's. i only use them on flowering plants that i cant get as close to the hps as i would like. even just using them as supplemental lights, i use one 42 watt light for each plant. also, when someone says that 6500K, is best, they are talking about the light spectrum, not the lumens. you want more blue in the spectrum for vegetative plants, and more reds/yellow for flowering.


Well-Known Member
when you add up the price of all those lights and the cost of electricity, you'd be a lot better off getting an hps light. for six plants, a 400 watt light should be good. just keep them pretty close together under the light.
The key is to KEEP THEM CLOSE TOGETHER under the HPS light! My biggest mistake was transplanting my plants into massive containers and not bunching them up under my 150w HPS light.