1st time grow jack herer

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Only 1-3-3? Strange.. They definitely do look slightly N tox'd from picture three, but the one behind the front one also looks overwatered. Don't feed it for a little longer, let it recover for a week or so.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Holy hell, that's why. Yeah, that is really hot soil. I'm surprised that it made it past seed. Do not feed for at least 3 weeks if you can help it. Watch for the first sign of deficiency. You may actually not have to feed them at all if it doesn't show.


Ha cheers Bro what they recommend in shop, plus 2 others friends use it, I've probley got another 10 weeks of flowering yet, so hold of for 3 weeks?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Unless it starts showing deficiencies. Sativas grow pretty rapidly, they just flower slow, so it might start showing deficiencies by week 2.
You have definitely over watered it shows as nutrient burn 1st but being a saliva it will handle it and improve as you move into flower. Good luck and I'll keep a keen eye on this thread as I may do a Jack in the future. RG


Media soaks well I pour on soaks up quick, ph 6.2 6.3. Resin grower spot on, I've prob over watered a bit and then flushing soaked more there nearly dried out, the two bigger one be ready tomorrow I should think, growing well a good inch or 2 a day if not more.. I've seen alot worse around the chats!!


Well-Known Member
Media soaks well I pour on soaks up quick, ph 6.2 6.3. Resin grower spot on, I've prob over watered a bit and then flushing soaked more there nearly dried out, the two bigger one be ready tomorrow I should think, growing well a good inch or 2 a day if not more.. I've seen alot worse around the chats!!
I will also be watching as I will be Scroging 5 fem Jack Herer in 3 weeks as soon as my HSO Bluem Dream scrog finishes. Your ladies look just fine.
Hi from Aus Bertie 2016 I recently had same experience with overwatering and it comes back great I'll post a pic of mine 3weeks into flower it's not Jack but these were over watered.IMG_20160615_181214.jpgit's just a learning curve my friend. A good rule is whole leaf claw is ow and just the tips is over fertilizer. Deficiency is different all together. Good luck I'll be watching I love sativas. Cheers RG


Hello down under thanks for the advice! Have you grown sativa by chance?

And also a question for everyone! What's you're opinion on Pk 13/14? Been told to use later on in flower but I'm reading about it first, and getting quite a mixed review? My mate swears by it, but some forum say I could kill my lady's
Not indoors but we had a wild purple saliva that grew along the banks of a local river it grew wild. A stunning variety with narcotic effects. Down under we are still suffering the narrow mindedness of cannabis being an illegal drug but we sell alcohol on every corner sorry I digress. I would love to sativas indoor but lenghthy flowering times are holding me back plus I chase the couchlock effect for my cronic pain issues. I use dutchmaster gold and blackstrap molasses. It's all made in Australia and it works. As for pk 13/14 go slow and easy them I to it should be OK. Gooduck and I'll keep watching RG


Well-Known Member
PICTURE UPDATE!! Ok ppl quick weekly update, after repotted my lady's 10 days in flower, they have taken great and made the right decision, the roots are already coming out of bottom, from 3 days ago, plants still stretching, guess I've got about another week, lots of pistols coming out, and bud locations starting to show.. I've bamboo some of the bigger plants Just to give a bit of support for my girls!!! Flushed the other day due to a very slight N toxicity, seem to have sorted it. Happy at how things are going, the only issue I've got at the minute is humidity, lights on flux between 60 and 65 percent, lights of 75 percent, the weather in sunny UK is humid at the moment rain thunder storm etc, I've put another clip on fan inside tent now below canopy and 1 above, I have 2 damprid or Croc odor called here in UK, in the room( not tent) and a small dehumidifier, just wondering if these levels will cause mold further into flowering???????? I've heard it not really a issue if I've got a good circulation of air etc etc that's it for now, til next time.. Bong on lady's
Was hoping to get some veg defoliation advice. Her fans are yuge!