1st outdoor grow, Would like some knowledge please.


Active Member
Hello, I have 4 seeds (just started today) hopefully getting a couple more, they are all bag seeds so i will see what happens.
My last grow i did was in a AG with 7 bag seed where 3 harvested getting around 3 oz.

Anyways, i have a couple books ive been referencing for my knowledge like jorge cervantes bible and ed rosenthals closet cultivator. I am just looking for feedback on my ideas to start my outdoor garden.

I have 4 babies germinating in pete pelets right now(in complete darkness for the first 5-7 days). I am planning to put them under my 150 watt metal hallolide after the 5-7. once i move back into my house i plan on transplanting them into my garden. It is a raised bed with about a foot of airated dirt(i forgot what addative we used, some sort of compost with no added nutrients) dug into the original ground. I have yet to add my top soil because i am unsure of what to use.

I will raise the bed about a foot or more above the ground. I was planning on using fox farm potting soil possibly with a little bit of perlite but im not sure if i will need it as i am in an incredibly hot climate. I plan on using big bloom with ph balanced water at first and yet to decide what to use for flowering. Probably open sesame beastie blooms and cha ching

I have read certain threads of peoples grows where they mix fish and other types of addatives into the soil before they plant. I am wondering if this is a good method to look into. I am open to all knowledge for i am a noob trying to gain experience.

I feel like my ideas right now will get me off to a good start, i have heard fox farm makes great products, I am confident they will treat me right.

Please feel free to tell me what i am doing wrong throughout the process, or even any past experiences you have with this soil or nutes.
Even sharing your method would be great, like i said i have not even layed my top soil yet so i am still in a position to change my plans.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
You said you were going to use big bloom at first and had yet to decide what to use for flowering??? correct me if im wrong but big bloom is a flowering fertilizer and probably shouldnt be started until you plants start to bud and should be mixed with a grow nutrient in a diluted solution for the first few weeks of flowering when your plants will still need some N. You need to start with a fertilizer high in Nitrogen and lower in P and K. Ive had great luck with the earth Juice line and would recommend it to anyone who's just starting out. Its very beginner friendly and forgiving. Everything in it is organic and its not near as easy to burn your girls as a lot of the other shit out there. A gallon of earth juice grow is only $26 on amazon and should be more than enough. Ive never used it for hydro, I only grow in soil and have had great luck with it so far. All my other non weed plants seem to love it just as much too. Mix it with a little super thrive everytime you feed and you should be in buisiness without breaking your wallet


Well-Known Member
big bloom can be fed anytime . growbig for veg tigerbloom for flower ffof is great ive used it outdoors and it did well


Well-Known Member
If money isn'y a problem, use 50% mushroom compost and the rest made up of rotted compost and/or top soil. This is a very rich mixture which will serve your needs very well.

If you look at my grow thread, please note that I use 12" raised beds throughout my garden. Even in the greenhouses.

Questions are always welcome.


Active Member
I have read a couple threads saying they used big bloom and got the idea from there. it would make sense that it wouldn't be good in the begging for it is a .01-.3-.7
I have read that a higher nitrogen level and a lower potassium level encourages more female plants as well.
So whichever nutes i use i just need to makes sure that a have a strong supply of nitrogen and lower potassium and phosphorus?

Veggie, If i were to use the mushroom and compost mix, would it be difficult to regulate the ph? this is one concern i have with growing outdoors.
I had a ton of trouble regulating the ph in my aerogarden and don't want to run into that same problem with my soil.

Pink if i use fox farm nutes should i stay away from big bloom or is it a good addition to the grow big and others?


Active Member
Two of my seed sprouted today, moved em under my metal halalide. i am unsure what type of light schedule i should use since i will be putting them out side soon. I feel like it wont matter too much but maybe i should try and replicate the actual amount of daylight?
The other two i decided to move under the light on 24 hour cycle just to see what would happen. They have not yet sprouted but i see one starting to peak out.
I will post pics when i get a camera to use.


Active Member
Do 24 hours light for 2-3 weeks, let them develop multiple nodes, then move them outside, but make sure they can handle the sun, and if not they must be introduced at first.


Active Member
So what your saying is either keep them inside for thses first 2-3 weeks or move them outside right away as sprouts?
I feel like i should give them a little bit of a dark cycle right?
Hey just wanted to let you all know that homedepot carries a soil equal to fox farm, with bat guano and all the other good stuff, for under $5-. I just found that out and went and got some. It looks great. Also the sprays some people may need to get to combat lil buggers are Way cheaper at nurseries and places like Homedepot and they are the same product, name and all. Just tryin to be helpful. Good growin everyone!


Well-Known Member
put chicken wire around them when they are young. i had a few plants dug up by some critters last year, but no problems after i put the fences around them.


Well-Known Member
i have heard to use coyote piss soaked into a sock works well to keep squirrels and deer away from your crop plus it's easier to hide then chicken wire


Active Member
Damn, had a reminder that shit is mad real. Still got my light, but i gotta start new kids. Dunno when. Hopefully soon.