1st official CFL grow..


Active Member
hey there, nice looking grow! I will read the journal soon, just checked out the last few pages just now. Liking the pics!


Active Member
Still looking great!! Happy New Year!! I want to get a bigger grow cab asap. I am thinking of a grow tent, but I believe I would have to make it myself. The smallest ones I has seen, width wise, are 24". My closets are only 21" deep. So, hmm. I would like to be able to have a bit of height to my plants. I like the LST, and I would still do it, but not as much. Will see. Keep the updates coming, they are great!

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Thanks so much! I couldnt find a tent I liked either...So I tried to get crafty and built my panda pvc box lol...Good Luck

Miss M


Active Member
It's a good thing I know someone with a wood shop and who knows how to build stuff lol. Because I think I am going to make a new cab. I want to be able to stick a 250W MH/HPS combo light in there, with a small oscillating fan, a 4 inch high velocity inline fan with a size 4 carbon filter. it's going to cost me a lot, but it's what I want, if possible. Until then I will just have to finish this harvest in my current cab, then start another one in there until I get the stuff. I think 250W would be plenty, I only grow 1 plant at a time. This is my first time lol. Hope your weekend was good! Can't wait for them to really swell up and get all frosty! .

420 Dream Team

Active Member
Yeah always good to know talented people. Im a chick who owns power tools with no clue how to use them lol.....I have been in major thinking/panic mode contemplating my next move...I didnt anticipate the problems and hold ups I had and I got a ways to go still. The set up you want sounds good ecsp for just one plant. This is my first time as well but I tend to think beyond my means my 4 little plants are taking over lol. My weekend was ok...I think...Ive been in a strange mental state lately...lol...Hope u had a great weekend...........

Miss M


Active Member
I hear ya on the setbacks, hold ups, etc. I almost killed my plant on this grow. I got into nute lockout and didn't trust my pH tester and such, so didn't know what to do. Finally I fixed it, but wow. I really messed up lol. I was in horrible panic mode lol. But the important thing is that I learned a lot from my mistakes on this grow, and I think my next grow will be 100% better. I just really want to get a bigger cab. I want to be able to pull at least 1 oz off a plant. For that, I need to be able to grow a bigger plant. So, I think this weekend would be a great time to get the stuff together if I can. I really wouldn't mind growing 2 plants, but where I live, it's jail just to be growing 1, and more jail for each plant, bible belt, gotta love it. I hate it lol. I want to move back West, but I can't just yet, working on it!! First have to find a job lol. My weekend went good. I stayed up a lot till the sun came up lol.
Will be waiting for more pics! Hope your week is going well!


Active Member
Oh bummer Miss M!! That sucks!! I'm too stoned to remember right now, but do you have other plants growing along with this one?

420 Dream Team

Active Member
I do these are on my autos who have been thru alot......I have not checked my BIG kush plant behind.....Im scared lol...Im crushed


Active Member
Well, best to check the BIG kush plant. I'm sorry that U are crushed, I can only imagine how U are feeling. I hope the best for you big kush plant!! Let us know what's happening with it when you get a chance!


Well-Known Member
Personally, those don't look like male flowers, just looks like a big swollen calyx to me. Don't get too hastey and kill them yet, just pull it off and open it up, yellow pollen means flower, but all green and it looks normal to me. All my outdoor female plants had those on them, and I didn't get a single seed off 6 plants. And they were harvested at roughly 30% amber trichomes too, so they were definately fully mature.


Well-Known Member
Personally, those don't look like male flowers, just looks like a big swollen un-fertilized bract to me. Don't get too hastey and kill them yet, just pull it off and open it up, yellow pollen means flower, but all green and it looks normal to me. All my outdoor female plants had those on them, and I didn't get a single seed off 6 plants. And they were harvested at roughly 30% amber trichomes too, so they were definately fully mature.
I agree, many of my ladies grow extremely swollen calyxes like that at the nodes, they look freakishly large compared to the rest of the ones.