1st Grown on the Home Straight Pics


Well-Known Member
Only a few weeks left on my first grow and alls looking good, give us a shout and let me know what you think. Plenty of father's pride here :D



Well-Known Member
I blurred my face as I didn't want to be recognized on the net, however as I've said on here before I'm in Barcelona Spain and it's legal to grow your own, up to three plants, no medical licence or anything like that required. It was more for personal reasons that I hid my face not for legal ones :D


Well-Known Member
The smallest one at the front was a very late season clone from the one on the left, sprung up beautifully considering it was cloned in July!


Well-Known Member
I blurred my face as I didn't want to be recognized on the net, however as I've said on here before I'm in Barcelona Spain and it's legal to grow your own, up to three plants, no medical licence or anything like that required. It was more for personal reasons that I hid my face not for legal ones :D

in that case bro more power to ya. have fun growin.