1st grow, stealth 2 drawer cabinet

I wasn't happy with the box I was growing in. It'll do fine to start seedlings but was really a hassle. So I talked the wife into letting me do something a little bigger.



My plants look sad now in their new home. The temp stays down to about 78-82. I was worried they were thirsty and the pots felt light so I watered them yesterday (filtered tap water, ph about 6.8), it didn't help. The dust on them is saw dust from me cutting the exhaust hole. I removed them from the box but not the room. I figure I should use a spray bottle and wash that off, but with them looking so sad I figured I'd leave it and see what happens. Newbs like me often act hastily and make things worse.

Why is my baby sad? Anyone? Pretty please with spiders and snakes on top?

I've read a lot of people say its important to develope a good root structure so that the plant can easily absorb as much water/nutes as it needs. But I haven't found anyone suggest ways to making that happen.

Despite her leaves drooping the new growth is developing, so it cant be too bad, right?



T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
if they were just waking up that is normal if not maybe cut back on the water a little bit and i hope you transplanted those other two in the biodegradable pots


Active Member
when to switch to 12/12... depends on how high of grow space u have have if you only have 3ft tall then when the plants get about a foot 1ft-1/2 and start flower they will end up about 3ft tall... pretty much what ever ur plants look like right now they will be about double the size when finished flowering.. so when ever they almost take up half of there grow space tall wise id start to flower other wise youll have height issues also remember the longer you veg them in 18/6 light they will be bigger trees and produce bigger yield..
when to switch to 12/12... depends on how high of grow space u have have if you only have 3ft tall then when the plants get about a foot 1ft-1/2 and start flower they will end up about 3ft tall... pretty much what ever ur plants look like right now they will be about double the size when finished flowering.. so when ever they almost take up half of there grow space tall wise id start to flower other wise youll have height issues also remember the longer you veg them in 18/6 light they will be bigger trees and produce bigger yield..
Thank you very much, your reply should be its own sticky thread. :D

I can definitely see how much I stretched these girls to start off with. In their new home they have stopped growing up and started growing out. YAY!!! I've been tying plant 1 down to let the new growth get the direct light. The tops of my girls have taken on a funky shape IMO. They are a lot like Ripple potato chips in texture (wavy growth for lack of a better term). The leafs feel soft and smooth, healthy, just wavy. Also I took a close look today and the center part of each leaf is a very dark green. The margins are a lighter shade of green and all the tips curl downward. Even the new growth is a pretty dark green. Do plants change like this as they mature?

I watered them again today because the soil was cracking and the pots felt light. I'm worried I will burn them or get nutrient lock out, so I skipped the nutes this time. They are sleeping right now or I'd snap some pics.


Well-Known Member
yeh put some books or something below your pots and bring your plants up to about 1 inch from the lights. will help. my plants are not stretching at all (which is kind of a problem for me coz i want to lst)
Well I think I'm going to kill off the two plants that grew from 1 seed. They are obviously stunted. I'm going to move the 1 good plant to the center and move the lights to the sides, help her bush out. I already moved (again, I've learned my lesson now) her to a 1 gallon pot with soil/perlite mix. When I moved her from the half gallon pot she was in, the roots had just started to tangle in the very bottom of the top. I expected the movement to shock her but the new growth has progressed steadily.

All the mistakes I make during my first grow... it'll be a miracle if I have anything to smoke in 3 months.

As always, any comments are much appreciated!


I dono, I don't see wilting. The top of it really does seem a bit strange to me. After I put her in this new cabinet, she stopped growing up and started growing out. I think thats a good thing. Her leaves do droop downwards, they seem too heavy for the stem holding them up. I have a fan blowing on her constantly. I expected her to branch out like I've seen so many others on here, but mine doesn't seem to be doing that.



Well-Known Member
Okay I saw bics post and I had to call my boy out. Its actually about 1/3 the height you want because the general rule of thumb is they triple in size in flower. Your problem (from the thread asking for help with the siamese twins) may be that when your foliar feeding your leaving your lights on. That intensifies the light and burns the plant witch causes general stress and of course = unhappy/dead girls.