1st grow journal


Well-Known Member
1st grow, bit of a budget, think i did a decent job with the setup. Don't have a way to vent heat so opting for LED lighting, still shopping around, meanwhile vegging under CFL's with homemade reflector.20130516_213729.jpg20130529_140417.jpg20130516_213653.jpg20130605_165521.jpg20130605_165541.jpg20130606_173743.jpg20130607_120050.jpg20130607_164605.jpg20130607_164617.jpg

Any feedback welcome, also if anyone notices any issues as I go along tips are always appreciated



Well-Known Member
Was too nice out had to take a couple of them out in the sun. Been raining for two weeks think the, temp has been stumping them. also few of the leaves grew with holes in them, noticed a few other posts not sure what it's from. Haven't seen any bugs on them. Only other thing is they all had yellow on the leaf tip, maybe nute burn? Im using a good local organic potting mix of sedge peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and organic fertilizer and then i threw in a bag of organic worm casings. I also got a 10-10-10 liquid plant food. It was like the stores brand lol, listed as near pH neutral 6.5-7.5. Only put in twice after the first week of transplant but maybe too much still in the soil to add yet. Oh yeah and watering with destilled water only, maybe need to supplement some cal - mag? 20130609_135254.jpg
Started them all at the same time and this one is at least 4x the size as the others. All the same bag seed, seems to be a nice indica, this ones starting to get some odour already :) can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah thought this was cool, started them outside but with all the rain lots of the first growth was under some house leds i had, happened to be red, blue, green and orange had one under each light at a time think the orange and green lagged, not sure of a difference between red and blue. 20130528_190047.jpg


Well-Known Member
See these are the yellow tips, doesn't look like rust to me...
And this is the worst one but also the runt, only got transplanted 2 days ago (other are over a week ago)


Well-Known Member
Watered with epsom salts today so hopefully that clears up the mag deficiency, (should i continue with the salts?) Now I'm worried that my largest plant actually does have rust fungus though, only on three leaves but a few opinions would be great as I'm going to remove the leaves soon as a precaution, unless that's not what it is. (conditions have been right for it though, cold and rainy)


Well-Known Member
holes in leaves sound like nute burn to me, I`m not so sure about mag def though, the chart may help you, good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Hmm it doesn't quite look like any of those, making me think rust even more. The plant looks healthy on the whole though 20130611_185915.jpg