1st Grow from clones 400w mh/hps


Hey everybody, this is my first post on rollitup and I wanted to create an account to keep track of the progress of my plants. My current set up is in an indoor tent (7'x4'x2') with a 400w mh for veg and hps for flowering. I am novice at gardening, I would appreciate any tips or suggestions. I also have a 6" carbon filter/fan for ventilation. I made a home made co2 generator by mixing sugar, water, and yeast in a 2L plastic bottle, but am afraid its not enough co2. Any input? Also some of the plants have yellow tips on their leaves along with curling of the leaves. Any remedy for that as well? The clones are about 3 weeks old, I keep the mh ballast about a 1.5-2ft away from the tops of the plants. Out of the 5 clones I bought it looks like 3 might be able to survive while the other two don't have much of a chance. I will keep updating as weeks go by. I appreciate any advice or tips. Thanks for reading.

kosher kush, sensi star, skywalker og
purple wreck, Dinafem W?



Well-Known Member
your gonna be vegging for about another month at least. that koisher kush is supposed to be Bomb.. where did you pick it up from?


Thanks for the reply sfguy. Got these clones off craigslist for $25 each lol. Was kinda sketched out, but it seemed alright. Sadly one already did not make it (sensi star). I took a trip to a local indoor garden store about an hour away and they had everything you could ever need, it was unbelievable. I picked up a variety of supplies, but mainly 9" pots and some organic soil for the current clones. Other supplies include two 5 gallon bucket dwc setups for the seeds that are on their way from attitude. Some nutrients, ph test kit, rockwool cubes, 2 outlet air pump, air stones, 6 feet of black tubing, hydroton. Store was relatively cheap, ran me around $120. For future seeds, I took advantage of the September promotion and ordered:

5 fem seeds- Barney's farm Liberty Haze ($60)
free humboldt seeds: 1xfem-trainwreck, 1xfem-chemdawg, 1xfem-blue dream
free ufo seeds- 1xfem afghan, 1xfem blue cheese

an update on current clones (3 weeks old):
purple wreck, skywalker og
kosher kush, dinafem w?

The purple and skywalker are the stronger plants in the back. dinafem and kosher kush in the front are fighting to hold on. Their leaves still have yellow tips/curling. I'm hoping the transplant to the bigger pot will help. I will keep updating as the plants grow. Any advice or input is appreciated. Thanks for reading.


Active Member
Wow, you got some awesome freebies! Set-up looks like it's coming along nicely, time to get it dialed in and see your hard work pay off =)


just wanted to make another update. the clones are about 1 month into vegging. seem to be growing well, had with a couple mistakes on my part, but all around the plants seem to be very healthy and loving the set up. I received my seed order from attitude today. It took a little under 2 full weeks to get here. ordered on 9/9 received them 9/21. I am on the east coast btw. received my liberty haze 5x fem and all the freebies: humboldt blue dream, trainwreck, chem dawg. ufo: afghan, cheese auto. all 1x fem. I am germinating 2 for dwc setups that I would like to run along with the soil plants. I will keep you guys updated and post back as soon as the dwc setup is up and running. please leave feedback, comments, advice if you would like. thanks for reading guys.

purple wreck, kosher kush,
skywalker og, dinafem?


update on the females :) They're growing well although I have had a couple bumps in the road with I believe to be fungus gnats. They just look like really small mosquitos or gnats. But I am on my way to the garden store tomorrow to buy some "don't bug me" pyrethin spray. Here's a quick pic of them when I got them before as clones and now with a better quality camera.



Well-Known Member
Great work mate, they're really taking off now :) nice and green too, you must be doing something right :-D


Active Member
lmao did you really buy clones off of craigslist??? I suggest never to do that again...
Looks awesome so far man!


thanks for the feedback guys, i went to the garden store and picked up some stuff called azamax. the guy had a lot of faith in the product, said it would combat the gnats. I havent seen any gnats since and I started watering the girls again. skywalker's leaves began to appear droopy during the week-long drought with the gnats. I began watering again yesterday and it seems to be responding well. I've been in veg for about a month now. The plants range from 1-2ft. I'm not sure whether it pays to wait and veg them longer or to put them into flowering and not waste the extra time.



quick pic of the females now. theyre about a month and a half old in vegging. they all range in height from 1 to 2ft. debating on when to send them into flowering. any advice/suggestions appreciated.
1)purple wreck 13"
2)dinafem 1'3"
3)Kosher kush 1'8"
4) Skywalker OG 24"

from left to right: skywalker, purp, kosher kush, dinafem.


Well-Known Member
cut the leaves right in half. hamburger style, not hot dog style. this will tell the plant that the leaf has been damaged and it will begin new root growth, while still allowing light to be photosynthesised.


update on the females. They are looking alright. aren't really growing much in current pots anymore. I will probably transplant one last time for all plants in 3-4 gallon pots and then change light cycle to flower. I will also change the bulb from the 400mh to 400hps. the plants seem to be doing alright with some exceptions. any ideas about what i should do about the height difference??



Veg two months? A month should be plenty. Get them into bigger pots and go 12/12
its been about a month and a half... I havent been able to get to the garden store. Its about an hour away and I dont have a car right now. but yea thats the idea hopefully within the next week.


finally got to the garden store today. got bigger pots and transplanted them. i will change from mh to hps and from 18-6 to 12-12. heres a pic of the girls.

1)kosher kush, purple wreck 2)white widow, skywalker og


thanks for the replies everybody. really appreciate feedback. it is my first grow and hope to keep gaining insight and experience. im so psyched im starting to flower, 1 week into flowering today. i didnt trim or prune them at all. no topping/super cropping. although i wish to learn eventually and i want to either do scrog or hydro on next grow. i am looking at harvesting this first go around on new years day. here's a pic of the girls. theyre looking pretty good. starting to sex now i believe. some pre-flowers.

**edit: im in the northeast, i really hope power doesnt go out for hurricane sandy :( i have no generator or any kind of supplemental light. if it goes off, i hope it comes back on quickly. i will say a prayer and someone wish me luck. I hope to come out of this storm without hermaphrodite plants.

white widow (~2ft), purple wreck(~1.5ft), kosher kush(2ft 8in), skywalker og(3ft)
