1st grow attempt


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. This is my first ever attempt at growing in general. Iv'e been reading theese and a few other forums for a few weeks before desciding to post, so please be patient with me.

I have no clue what strain this is... After my Dr sugested I lay off the xanax and roll 1 up I got some bag seeds from a friend.

They were planted in early April after the last frost. Theyre growing in miracle grow organic potting soil and have been fed 10-10-10 and superthrieve. Once again please dont be harsh... Im used to growing peppers and tomatos :p.

Im quite certain I have 1 male and 2 ladys:joint:. I also as you can see have a problem w/ leafhoppers. I just bought some organic pesticide today to deal w/ them.

Without knowing the strain, do they look healthy for theyre age? Did I sex them correctly? Based on theyre current preflowering how long ruffly do you think I am from flowering? (I've searched this to death and know that theres no exact answer. Im just hoping that this stage may look familiar to someone whos grown before and knows what to expect)

Any advise would be greatly appriciated.



Active Member
Might wanna get that male outta there then so you wont lose your girls. also looks good man keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Might wanna get that male outta there then so you wont lose your girls. also looks good man keep up the good work.

Thanks, yeah im debating if I want to isolate the mail and throw him in the bubble bag, or if I should just yank him now.


Well-Known Member
Just get rid of the male it's a waste of time, and pollen travels a loooong distance, it can get on your fingers and you can touch your girls.


Well-Known Member
plants look good. If they were mine, I would put them in a much larger container, or better yet in the earth, if you have good soil. If I were to put them in containers, I would go with something in the range of 5 galons or more. And the medium you have them in looks nice, although I would add a 30% mix of perlite. i go with pro-grow for ferts. its a simple meal mix.
As far as how long, your probably looking at about another month of veg time, and then about 2 months + untill harvest.
keep up the good work. And you might want to remove the male....maybe take him indoors, and flower him out, and save some pollen.


Well-Known Member
For your first grow, they look pretty good. But I would def put them in either larger pots or into the ground. They'll take off like wild fire! If you want to cross pollenate your grow, then keep the male...the fems will produce seeds for your next grow. You'll get bud, but it wont be as much or as potent. The choice is yours!


You are going to need to give those roots some room. A plant is like a fish, it will only get as big as its environment (in this case its container)will allow. As for how far they are from flowering, unless they are autoflowering (which they do not appear to be), it is determined by photoperiod. You can use this page to determine when the photoperiod will trigger flowering http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/RS_OneYear.php


Active Member
Screw all this talk about larger containers. For your first time just finish this grow properly and get comfortable with the whole process.


Active Member
Screw all this talk about larger containers. For your first time just finish this grow properly and get comfortable with the whole process.
i would put half in the ground if not all of them just to show u it could make a huge difference .. them plants will get heavy when they start flowering i could see them tipping over ... just my advice ..


Well-Known Member
Put them into way bigger pots filled with quality store bought soil, and they will get alot bigger :)

Nice plants... Also make sure the soil is all the way dry between waterings, gl


Well-Known Member
Put them into way bigger pots filled with quality store bought soil, and they will get alot bigger :)

Nice plants... Also make sure the soil is all the way dry between waterings, gl
why would you keep the soil all the way dry in between waterings? I'm not so sure about that one...keeping it moist regularly was my technique.


Well-Known Member
Thanks allot for all the helpfull advice. My soil here is absolute shit.... its very sandy and nutrient deprived. Its taken me 3 years to condition it enough to have a lawn lol. Im terrified to move them into larger containers again since I started off w/ 6 plants... 3 didnt survive the 1st transplant ( I broke the roots no matter how carefully I rolled the container). I was thinking about moving the male to my front porch, approx 100' away w/ my home in between. Id like to polinate 1 plant for next years seeds, besides Ive been nurturing this guy for months.... Killing it now woud break my heart lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks allot for all the helpfull advice. My soil here is absolute shit.... its very sandy and nutrient deprived. Its taken me 3 years to condition it enough to have a lawn lol. Im terrified to move them into larger containers again since I started off w/ 6 plants... 3 didnt survive the 1st transplant ( I broke the roots no matter how carefully I rolled the container). I was thinking about moving the male to my front porch, approx 100' away w/ my home in between. Id like to polinate 1 plant for next years seeds, besides Ive been nurturing this guy for months.... Killing it now woud break my heart lol.
Trust me when I tell you how hard it is to cut down a male plant...I had to do it 3 times this season. But I don't want any seeds, so thats the sacrifice I am willing to make. Also, keeping your male in your front yard won't stop them from pollenating the rest of your ladies...they pollenate from a great distance. I just hope no one has males growing anywhere around me :/