1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)


Well-Known Member
6/18 - 36 Days In

I learned a very good lesson this last week, I wish I could have learned it in a easier way but better now than later. My problem was my ph was way off. Before My ph was floating around 6.8-7.2 and I was satisfied with that. When I started adding Earth Juice Grow however, my ph plummeted! I would never have figured out the problem if I hadnt read an artical on nationalcannagraphic.com with a detailed post regaurding plant ailments and the author of the article was also a Earth Juice user and shared his experience with it vs affect on ph. Very Pleased about this.

Plants are getting larger. Believe it or not both plants are almost the same height now but still are very bushy.:blsmoke: They have been in better shape though. The Shorter plant has some rusting + burnt tips do to the ph lockup and the taller is showing a magnesium deficiency also from the same cause. I know the effected areas will not recover but I really hope that they will not spread from here on out.

I plan on beggining flowering phase this weekend. I will start 36 hours of darkness on friday night and change out bulbs sometime sunday. I am excited to see what happens over next few weeks.

The Char-broiled child has survived! Yep the Youngin survived the scorchin of a life time and is doing well. It seems uneffected by the ph issues the others were experiencing and it is in its own grow area atm. I cut all the damaged organic matter off the plant and in the process decided to top it (new growth was damaged by bulb). It is growing wide and is in excellent health.

The Shorter Plant

The Taller Plant

The Youngin



As Always Comments and Questions Appreciated :joint::mrgreen::joint::mrgreen::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nice, your plants are looking great. They are real dense like mine. Almost exactly as dense actually. I keep my lights real real close.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, glad to see they got better an it looks like "the roasted one"(that should be her name:-)) is getting some good sidegrowth.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the support folks. I just put plants down for 36 hours of darkness and will be changing them to 12/12 sunday afternoon. So let the flowering begin. I am interested to see how much they will have grown when i open the door sunday.


Well-Known Member
I have read a few articles and heard from experienced growers that using 36 hours of darkness before flowering resets the plants internal clock allowing it to be more easily transitioned into the 12/12 cycle. In doing so you will also be encouraging your plant to show its sex.


Well-Known Member
yh ive only just heard about that 36 hours of darkness before flowering resets the plants internal clock allowing it to be more easily transitioned into the 12/12 cycle
makes sence


Well-Known Member
6/22, Day 40

I opened my closet today and was pretty pleased with what I saw. They grew a good bit and developed about 2 new nodes. Both shot up their first set of 11 finger leaves. Both look fairly healthy with the exception of a 1 or 2 hopefully minor things.

I believe that any problems I have experienced have probably been a result of PH issues. So I decided to purchase a digital PH tester and it is in route as we speak. Hopefully I will get it soon so I can work out any minor kinks still lingering. Only after I have worked out this problem will I begin to use my flowering nutes.

One thing that did catch me off surprise is that the shorter plant is no longer shorter. So from this day forth I will refer to the previously Shorter plant as Droopy and the previously Taller as Sun Shine.

The Youngin; Dubbed, The Toasted One. Is also doing well but showing similar effects from a unbalanced PH. I didnt get any pics of this one though.

New Lights required to make some adjustments to grow space. I replaced my initial 6500k set up with 8 42w and 1 125 w 2700k bulbs for a total of 461watts.

Pics of Sun Shine

Pics of Droopy

Unknown Ailment on Droopy
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Well-Known Member
This is a good and bad sign for me. Good sign is PH is better so not locking up nutes. Bad is i probably need to flush now.


Well-Known Member
6/25 Day 4 Flower - Day 43

Ok so I have had a very eventful 2 days. To begin, I was unable to check plants for 30 hours or so due to my schedule vs. light schedule. When I did go to check on plants I was horrified to find that all 3 plants looked in bad shape. Leaves were looking very droopy, plants didnt seem to grow much and rusting was occuring on some of the NEW GROWTH!!!!!!:cry::cry:
I knew I had to flush all plant immediately because I know that PH is to blame for this.

This was my first time flushing so I bought 10, 1 gallon jugs of purified drinking water and used 7 of them. I wasnt fearing for the life of my plants but I was concerned about the ammount of stress being put on them during a very crucial point in their life (Droopy & Sun Shine).

Here are some pics of 6/24, flushing day.

Sun Shine


And "The Toasted One"

So You can see these are not their best pics. Today when I got home to check them for first time since flushign yesterday I was very pleased with what I found. All 3 plants seem to have made a major rebound and have grown a good bit literately "over night".

I am wondering when and if I should start nuting them again. I got my digital PH tester in the mail today so I can control the PH before administering the nute tea to the plants. I have to admit though that I hesistant for fear of doing further damage. I may not be experiences enough to manipulate earth juice.

But here are the pics today. 1 day after flush.

Sun Shine


The Dou

The Toasted One

I Hope Im Back in the Clear!:peace:


Well-Known Member
-Maximum Light Coverage over entire plant

-Keep lights as close as possible even if it means adjusting them daily

-CONTROL YOUR PH (best to adjust before watering)

-Learn HOW to water, theres more to it than you think

These are probably the most important things I have learned my first grow.