1st Grow- 4 unkown strains of mids learning experience

Alright so I'm starting my first stealth grow. Right now all I have to work with is a 13 gallon Rubbermaid container, 1 soft white CFL in a desk lamp lol, 2 PC fans 1 for intake 1 for outtake. I have 4 just sprouted random mids seeds, each in its own dixie cup(Gonna try to get pictures so you all can see how ghetto this is xD). Atm I still need to get the holes cut in for the fans and to get a perfect seal on the cover and get light sockets/fixtures and stronger lights as well as set up a charcoal odor filter as well as replace this aluminum with mylar/tape.

A lot of these things aren't exactly extremely necessary right now I have all the basics, but I should be getting some money here soon so I can start buying the supplies I need to get an optimal grow started here. I also realize that I might be pushing it with a 13 gallon container. Though hopefully I can continue to use this container and keep the plants as short as possible.

Any criticism and advice will be extremely appreciated. Again this is my first grow and I need to keep this grow as inconspicuous and stealthy as possible.
My seedlings have sprouted and are nice and green. Still worried about these little really tiny white bugs fucking around in the soil. But anyways, because I'm only growing out of a 13 gallon rubbermaid container I'm throwing them in a 12/12 the whole way through. Hopefully my grandma doesn't notice I took her timer for her outside lights for night time lol. Anywho, they seem to be doing good for now. Haven't had to water at all since I've planted them the soil is still moist which kinda worries me because I don't want root rot to occur.

I would really appreciate all info and help that anyone gives, I got a camera but I cant get the memory card or the camera itself connected to my computer (cant find cord). :/ Am going to put up pics as soon as I can. :peace:
I finally found the cord to this camera, sorry if the pics are blurry or poorly taken lol. But hopefully this will attract people to reply and help me set up my grow efficiently.

There are pics of my babies, hopefully they'll all be female haha. There's also a pic of my container, which I admit is fairly small but I think I can keep the plants pretty short. The aluminum lining on the inside is ass I know but I plan on upgrading soon with Mylar. I've yet to install my fans in because I would like an opinion exactly where they should be put in there before I start cutting out holes in my box.


Well-Known Member
You can pretty much figure 60/40 on female to male ratios, ofcourse the scales can be tipped one way or the other with enviormental factors. Instead of mylar you can always use flat white paint or the white paint that is made for roofs that has reflective material in the paint. With some LST (do a search for Low Stress Training) you should have no problem keeping them in check. I think with any enclosed space you really need to pay attention to how the plant grows so you can anticipate what you can tie down next to maximize yeild and height.
Still learning myself but always willing to help another.

Good luck
You can pretty much figure 60/40 on female to male ratios, ofcourse the scales can be tipped one way or the other with enviormental factors. Instead of mylar you can always use flat white paint or the white paint that is made for roofs that has reflective material in the paint. With some LST (do a search for Low Stress Training) you should have no problem keeping them in check. I think with any enclosed space you really need to pay attention to how the plant grows so you can anticipate what you can tie down next to maximize yeild and height.
Still learning myself but always willing to help another.

Good luck
Thanks a lot, I might just do that I think I have some spray paint in the garage maybe even silver paint. I understand the point of LST and I am going to end up doing that as well, looking at doing that though makes me think I'll end up doing something stupid and actually end up snapping my plant to bits, I'll get the hang of it as I move on. :)
Checked out my plants a little while ago, there are a lot of these tiny ass white bugs crawling around in the soil, its worrying the hell out of me, can anyone tell me what these bugs are? They're kinda oval shaped... :(
Actually certain its the 5th day. My friend suggested to do a 16/8 so I can LST my plants. Had to pull one of them its root system was crooked and all fucked up. Taking 1 more set of pics for the night so you guys can see how much they've grown in the past few hours. Should I replace the one I pulled with a new seed? My buds are going to come over and check them out for me and help set up my box especially the fans.

Alright its day 8, and 2 of the plants stretched quite a bit. Should I transplant to pots now and work on LST at this point? the other 1 is doing pretty good but hasn't started its 2nd leaf set yet while the other 2 are on their way. Need some suggestions guys help a brother out.


Found some nutes in the garage some miracle grow liquid and some Bayer Advanced 2 in 1 systemic Rose and Flower Care ready to use Granules. 8-12-4 and it apparently kills spider mites :3. I assume the Bayer one I should only use for when I'm flowering, which should be soon depending whether or not I'm able to LST my plants while they flower. Good find in my Garage?
I covered the top cover of my container with Aluminum and fairly good I believe, now I got the light facing towards the top and the reflected light hits down on the plants more evenly. Just going to throw my plants into a 12/12 to see how it will end up. Will post more pics tomorrow and give an update on how they're doing. :blsmoke:
I wouldn't use Miracle Grow. IMO it's pretty shitty shit. It's like the McDonald's of Nutes. Earth Juice is REALLY affordable, organic and pretty fool proof. They have a whole line, but if you can't afford anything else AT least the Earth Juice Grow and Earth Juice Bloom. About $15 a bottle or so.

As for the soil bugs: that sounds nasty. I would get that figured out before you put too much more time, energy or money into those little seedlings. You are so early in that if you had to get new seedlings started now it wouldn't kill you.

Also, if you are growing with cfl's you need MORE of them and WAY closer. If you can't get the light to the plant, take the plant to the light. Put phonebooks under them or something. You lose SO much light so quickly that you need to keep them as close as they can be without touching or burning. Literally like.. an inch. I got a lot of indoor tips from SeeMoreBuds' How to Grow 8oz on a $50 budget. http://seemorebuds.com/home.php (If you torrent you can snag it from here: http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/1967024/5630884/ , but you really should go back and buy it and support the author when your crop rolls around) It's a brilliant and simple book.

Good luck man! I hope you get yourself up and running green!
Holy shit thanks for all that good info. If you couldn't tell I've basically been speaking to myself for a while haha. I had my friends look at those bugs and they said if they were bad the seedlings would have been fucked by now, and another person on here told me it sounded like a beneficial bug that eats larvae of other bad bugs so until I actually see some damage I'm gonna just let the little buggers be. But if they do screw me over, that's just another learning experience for when I get serious with my growing with some serious strains.Thanks for letting me know about the Miracle Grow lol. I'll give the EJG and EJB a try. I've been working on the lighting issue as well, I know where to get some CFLs pretty cheap and my friend is working on the fixtures for me. And I really appreciate the torrent, that was really fucking cool of you, and I will support the author when I get the chance. :) I'm gonna give it my best, but due to my situation I can't exactly mess with my grow whenever I want, which is why I got it so stealthfully tucked away in my closet lol.
they seem to be hela stretched.. lower the lights or raise the cups...
I actually just found a temporary solution to the problem, I found a light socket thats already been wired laying around the house and I'm going to use it to bring the light as close to my plants as possible. :D
Dig your awesome attitude. I like "Well, at least I'm learning" SO much better than "OMG This is my first time and I have to do it perfect and get the best nuggetz EVAR!". If you stay happy and positive and keep at it you will eventually just "know" what the shit you are doing and then the good weed will follow.

AND Google is your friend. If you can't post a pic of the little creepy crawlies then do a google image search and see if you can find something that lets you know more solid what exactly they are.

Dig your awesome attitude. I like "Well, at least I'm learning" SO much better than "OMG This is my first time and I have to do it perfect and get the best nuggetz EVAR!". If you stay happy and positive and keep at it you will eventually just "know" what the shit you are doing and then the good weed will follow.

AND Google is your friend. If you can't post a pic of the little creepy crawlies then do a google image search and see if you can find something that lets you know more solid what exactly they are.

Thanks, I most definitely know how versatile Google is lol, its basically where I've learned 90% of the shit I know in general lol. I did try a google image search, but the bugs are like pure white with almost no physical features that I can see with my own eye, gonna work on getting a magnifying glass. I got to keep that attitude up, I mean it really is a learning experience, I don't expect to have the best results on my first go at it haha, then what I learn from this grow I'll apply to my later grows that will need them. I plan on getting Bubblicious seeds after this grow, sounds really tasty. I'm all about learning experiences and this is one of the best ways to do it, with some bagseed hahahaha.
I've buried the 2 stretched plants a little to hopefully keep them from wabbling over on their sides. I've found a completely wired light socket (from a lamp lol) and I've hung it to be right over the plants. They haven't stretched since then and my other plant is doing well.

I have a super fine mist sprayer that I just sprayed the leaves and top soil with until it got nice and moist. This has been the 1st time I've had to water since I first planted them as seeds. Kinda worries me but I'll just add a bit of sand to my soil when it comes to transplanting them to bigger pots so it drains out the water a little nicer. Wouldn't want root rot.

I took a pic of the light hanging above the plants let me know what you guys think. Pretty soon I'm going to cut holes in the container to stick my fans in. Right now they're just sitting in there to try and stiffen up the stems a little bit and for just any air flow I can give them atm.

Pretty soon I'm going to have to work on light traps for the fans as well as the charcoal odor eliminator thing I've heard people talking about. Anyone have any tuts on how to make one or a link to one? Appreciate it.

Stay green guys and gals! :joint:

Today just keeps getting better and better, I found 2 more wired light sockets (YES!), now I can remove that big ass lamp from my box. I've also found a gardening trimmer, plant labels, more wire covers, and wire hooks! :D This is going to make everything so much nicer looking and way more efficient.:bigjoint: I also found a container and some baggies for when its time to harvest. :) I feel a little more at ease with all this stuff I found. And I even found some white paint! Should I stick with the aluminum for now or go with the white paint? Its a semigloss white latex paint.

Fuck! One of the lights fell on one of my plants and its dead now! Only 2 left, I don't see the point in going on with this grow anymore. I should probably just start fresh and keep my plants from stretching so damn much next time and fix my shit on better....