1st grow, 1/2 harvested. What do ya think!!!


Well-Known Member
Of one plant? Outdoors? I reckon thats good.... fuck your hot and you grow massive plants most dudes on here would be in heaven ha ha. You gotta tell me what you fed them..

LOL, well it's an Indoor grow and as far as what I fed them, well that's a hard one to answer. For the most part, it was Miracle Grow. (I won't use that again) And twice, late in the grow I hit them with Fox Farm and CalMag Plus trying to fix a problem that I never got fixed... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ya man looks like you had a PH problem at some point in your grow which from what it looks like may have locked out phosphate thats why your leaves have those spots. when you use pro-mix(like i do) you will have a relatively stable PH throughout the grow. make sure you have a PH meeter and keep it between the high 5's and mid 6's. because promix is indeed a soilless mixture. almost like hydroponic media(if you want to get technical it is hydroponic media)

otherwise nice grow and next time let you plant flower for atlest 8 weeks if not longer. and get the 10$ microscope from radioshack to chech tricomb maturation.

You use Pro Mix. Cool, I've herd awesome things about Pro Mix. I'm thinking about the Pro Mix organic. I'm thinking about 80% Pro Mix and 20% Perlite. Does that sound good. Also what do you mean is more like hydro??? Thanks...


Well-Known Member
Well I would be happy for your first attempt. Indoors aye? How long did you veg for? How tall was it? I have a bit of a grow happening check my journal...


Well-Known Member
So now that I have had a chance to explain why I cut early, anyone think I made the right decision??? :?


Active Member
Once its dry wat will 10 oz wet become?
I'm curious too. Sorry to hijack your thread.

NoDrama said 70 turns to 20 so.... 9 oz to 2.5 oz or 28.5%

If that was my plant I'd just be stoked to get any bud, I'd chop that fucker down and smoke a blunt and think to myself, I would have had 12-15 oz wet in 3/4 weeks time...:wall: :bigjoint:


Active Member
excellent looking buds bro, i'm on my first grow, got one lady and if she turns out half as good as yours i'll bust-a-nut in my pants.


Well-Known Member
I would have probably left it a bit longer then cut the bud, but you probably made the better choice, it looks great still


Well-Known Member
Ya I tried fixing it. I thought I hade nipped the problem but, guess not. From what I understand, plants use leaves to absorb light witch they than turn in to energy. If that's the case that explains why my plant stopped growing, to many of the leaves died off. Well I honestly think that MG is what caused the problem, or maybe it was my fault or both. Either way, I won't use MG again...


Well-Known Member
Ohhh, I do have one quick question. Some of the small buds of my plant I can't hang for one resin or another. Can you dry the small buds in a paper bag? Hope so, because that's what I'm doing... lol