1st DWC - 1200 Watt -Quantum Digital Dimmable Ballest


those are looking mad good yo! haha ya im dealing with some humidity problems myself. my therm says diff but i can feel it when i go in there that it could be a little cooler and dryer. i need to get a dehumidifier soon. but your ladies are lookin great bud! good luck and ill be talkin to ya soon!

Ya i need to get a Portable AC unit to make this grow that much better.

thanks for the complement bigblock7:joint:

Ready for an update?


27 days into flower:leaf:

about 20 min. after lights on

i had to crawl to the other side of the room to level the canopy, because there were some buds that are getting to long!! a few are 1.5'. :eyesmoke:

picture 6 is what im dealing with above the lights. there is possibility to go higher but i have to get around the pvc.:-?:-?:-?



Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow bro.
Good choice on the quantum's.
I have done an obsesive amount of reading about digital ballast's.
And IMO quantum and next gen are the best.


Bossman - Thanks for the comment, i agree the quantum dimmable ballast are the next generation and a benchmark for all other ballast. there is nothing i dont like about it!

Today i made a stop by the homedepot to get

-25' of 6 inch insulated duct for $21.

-a green 13w cfl to put in the room so i can work on it.

i thought the room was getting a little hot around 90-92, so i decided to put the 2 600watt lights on their on air way.

i have the 8" 1.5amp 180cfm fan pushing air from a cool room in the house.

after the air goes through the lights it comes out and exhaust up into the floor boards of the 1st story... (Winter is coming)

here are some picture of the finished project:

ill show you what it looks like on the inside when the girls are awake.



A friend let me use his ph digital tester.

Well little did i know the probe was all outta sync.

So who the hell knows what kind of ph i really had.

so now im starting to get worries to close to harvest.

some of the leaves are curling down and turning yellow.

also i have noticed it has been 5 weeks and i dont have any trycromes:cry::cry:
i think this ph problem really set thing back

Today is wk5 into flower
picture 1- overview shot

picture 2- on this bud there are little speckles of something(does any one know?)

picture 3- i dont even know what going on in this picture some of the leaves are curling down and some are concave, and do the wave??

picture 4- some of the leaves are looking distorted:cry: and you can see some yellow leaves in the back ground.

the humidity in the room is around 88% and the temp is around 82 degrees:cry:

Please help?



I would go grab one of those cheap ph testing kits from now on. I use those and they work pretty good for me. Those girls are monsters though bro! but the humidity is way too high. ideal is like less than 60 i think. but ya get one of those testing kits and test the water before you use it to see where its at and test daily to make sure it stays where you want it. you might need to adjust some stuff to do get it, but once everything is all good for a few waterings youll realize what you gotta do everytime to keep it where you want it. Like on mine the way the nutes are my ph is really low the first few days, and i just leave it cuz the plants eat it out after like 3 or four waterings, then it gets right back to 6.0-6.5. But your ladies are looking way phatter than the first ones we had, but i dont suggest harvesting tooo soon, if your only 30 days in I would fix ur water and ride 'er out to a beautiful finish lol


i got a PROBLEM and that damn problem is spider mites and i got it fucking BAD.

the damn things are all over, i dont know what to do?

im going tomorrow to get some "AzaMax" has anyone had success with this stuff???

im about 6weeks into flower im fucked!

i might have to cut some buds off:evil::evil:

I need HELP NOW!!!



Well-Known Member
Shop vac was a nice touch getting some of their webbing outta there
Make sure you spray the undersides of the leaves mostly


there is some AzaMax the local hydro shop here is the description:

"[SIZE=-1]AzaMax™ is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. It contains Azadirachtin A&B as active ingredients and more than 100 limonoids from its special technology. The special feature of AzaMax™ is that it does not use hard chemical solvents and fully uses food grade formulation ingredients. AzaMax™ is an antifeedant and insect growth regulator and controls pests through starvation and growth disruption. It controls effectively spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, Aphids, whiteflies, leaf miners, worms, beetles, leafhoppers, scales, mealy bugs, nematodes and other soil home pests. Mix one tablespoon to one gallon"

would it be safe to try both???

im going to drain the system tomorrow and correct my ph and i got some cal-mag.


Well-Known Member
I would try one or the other, both at the same time could burn them maybe
I have heard of that azamax stuff but never used it
Sounds good though, maybe you can do the azamax one day and neem another to get the dual killing power going on
Just remember you are in flowering so you don't want to be smoking that shit


A lot has been going on since my last posted.

Where to begin?

Once i noticed i had smider mites i ran around the house like my hair was on fire, because those little fuckers were making webs and laying eggs in my precious buds! i shop-vac'ed the bitches and got most of them. i noticed the plants weren't looking to perky so i assumed the mites were the cause of that!!
the next morning i was in looking at the plants and i was crawling under them and and i kicked a bucket accidentally and notice that that shit wasn't full!!!!:cuss: so then i really ran around like my hair was on fire....
The pump that fills the planters had BROKE!...

I got some cal-mag, and Aza-max from the hydro shop

i mixed 20mL of aza-max to 1 gallon of water, and put it in a spray with a 1.5' wand on the end and hosed that girl down, i put about 3/4 gallon on them...

i waited to see if i had killed them by not feeding them for 2 or 3 days and having mites.. out of the 4 plant, i only saved 1 :(:(:(

so i was ponder what to do with the dead plant that is 7 weeks into flower. should i burn it, trash it, dump it, water cure it....

i trimmed the 3 plants last night while i watched berry coopers: never get raided!

I submerged the buds in a 5 gallon bucket(ironical its the same bucket my 5 plant was in) there is a 1/2 hose coming out of the bucket making a 90 and has a stopper on the end. i put a plate on top of the floating buds to keek them under water. once a day for 7 days i drain them by putting the bucket on a stool and a bucket on the floor and make the hose run down to the bucket and let it drain... my oridiginal idea was putting them in big jars and drain them daily (that would have been a pain the the ass)

i also have a new layout for the room

on going to hang the lights at a 30+ degree shinning on one and only pot plant.

that plant has 2-3 weeks left. hopefully it will get a little bigger by harvest if it had 1200 dedicated watts on it.. here are some pictures

do you think my plants are too close to the lights?



Well-Known Member
not bad... should get you enough personal stash to get to the end of the next grow... maybe

i might have a few blueberry clones laying around i could throw your way... in about 10 days when that one is done... maybe sooner


Today i switched the lights to 8 on 16 off so i can hurry up and get this girl closer to harvest so i can reload the system with some of bloodshots clones!!!

Close the door and lock it, because theres some BUD PORN coming your way......for all those who are watching.:bigjoint:

