1st CFL grow...Do my plants have nute burn?PICS


Well-Known Member
it doesn't really look like our bad plant is growing too well and it's leaves aren't perking up like the others. our other plants are looking really healthy though.

we are gonna wait to water them until either tomorrow or saturday. the soil is getting really dry, i can stick my finger about 4 inches into the soil before it starts getting a little moist.



Well-Known Member
it doesn't really look like our bad plant is growing too well and it's leaves aren't perking up like the others. our other plants are looking really healthy though.

we are gonna wait to water them until either tomorrow or saturday. the soil is getting really dry, i can stick my finger about 4 inches into the soil before it starts getting a little moist.
i'd give it ome water if its that dry


Active Member
it doesn't really look like our bad plant is growing too well and it's leaves aren't perking up like the others. our other plants are looking really healthy though.

we are gonna wait to water them until either tomorrow or saturday. the soil is getting really dry, i can stick my finger about 4 inches into the soil before it starts getting a little moist.

What pH of water will you be usin when you water?


Well-Known Member
Can i just point something out...

"(can even use the same POT but dump it all and wash it with soapy water and rinse)"

Totally fair comment, everyone just read it completely wrong! Good luck with the recovery.


Well-Known Member
probably this weekend, ibong and i will start a grow journal for our plants. they are showing a lot of improvement this morning


Well-Known Member
Can i just point something out...

"(can even use the same POT but dump it all and wash it with soapy water and rinse)"

Totally fair comment, everyone just read it completely wrong! Good luck with the recovery.
ive never heard of washing the pot out with soap. i feel like our plants wouldn't survive, or at the very least they would be stunted again. have you done this ever to your plants?


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of washing the pot out with soap. i feel like our plants wouldn't survive, or at the very least they would be stunted again. have you done this ever to your plants?
not sope but I have heard to wash with bleach water but rinc it off realy good


Well-Known Member
Nah I'm referring to the fact that you all thought he meant clean the soil:

I think he was talking about the guy that told him to take the plants out of the pot get the dirt off , wash the dirt with sope and water then rince it off and put them in a new enviroment

And as to using soap...well no, by soap i assumed he meant disinfectant etc, of course I wouldn't recommend like hand or dish soap or something :spew:

Anyway... onward! :)


Active Member
we are buying water from the store. should i buy distilled or spring water?
I would say distilled as you can be sure there are no trace elements like in spring water. But then again I heard it does not keep its ph. I prefer tap water...let it sit for 24hrs...shake it...and check the ph. The water is at a 6.0 ph since the soil is MG (YEAH I KNOW!! No need to remind me but I am following SeeMoreBuds book) and has a pH of 7.0 I recently transplanted and had some pH swing issues and overwatering due to the retention of the MG soil even after 50% perlite %50 soil plus my mistake of watering every 2 days. :wall: They are doin good now - Not to hijack- but have you ever seen ram horns or canoe leaves after transplanting...and if so does it clear up or are those leaves going to remain that way throughout the life of the plant?

In either case to answer your questions I would say distilled. IMO.

Thanks for any info - great grow!!


Well-Known Member
we watered them yesterday and they are showing some substantial improvement this morning. we watered them with arrowhead drinking water that showed a ph of 7. most of the top leaves are starting to stand up except for the tips. i think they developed the claw from too much nitrogen since we fertilized it so much. would the plant be able to fix the leaves since we stopped fertilizing it?



Well-Known Member
those bottom leaves are getting more and more yellow each day(from nute burn i think). should we leave them or remove them?


Well-Known Member
of the leafs are getting yellow and yellow every day just cut them off but not to close to the main branch because then you could hurt the chance of it growing a new branch there

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
No, actually, you want to cut it as close to the plant as possible. The entire stem should be removed as close as poss to ensure that no needed nutes are going to an unneeded (dead) part of your plant.