1rst grow (2) DP Blueberry FEM (1) Dinafem Cheese


im currently on day 3 of veg. with 2 blueberry fem's from DP and 1 reg Dinafem Cheese.
i germ'd with the paper towel method and then placed them root down into a bark composite starter plug. after i saw the first true leaves(maybe even a little sooner, oops!) i placed them into my botanicare microgarden aeroponics. at first i thought i may have done it too soon but after 48 hours i have noticed what i guess is normal growth.

veg lighting: 90w UFO adjustable spectrum from HIDHUT; Sunblaze 28 in the next couple days.

flwr lighting: 400w HPS

This is my first grow but i have done ample reading before starting; questions, comments and tips are much needed!

ok, so i have the 10gal res. 3/4 of the way filled up with my ppm at 380ish; it fluctuates, and i try to keep my PH at 5.2-5.7 but when i check everyday it ALWAYS has risen a good point and a half from the last i checked. the nute concentration rises everyday so i assume theyre only eating water. is this ok? is there something i need to do to force them to take nutes or do i just ride it out? the humidity is around 61% is that ok? the temp is around 70F, ok? keep in mind I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING! so please comment and throw advice and tips from all angles, even the ones ive failed to mention. good looks.


ALSO, i have my watering schedule on 15min on/45min off, even during lights out. does anyone have a better schedule for aeroponics? maybe geARed towards the dp blueberry strain?


ok so ive taken out the 90w UFO and put in the sunblaze 28 t5. the plants are loving it. im using AN micro/grow/bloom with liquid karma. the dp bb is looking much smaller than the cheese and one of the bb's has the crinkly leaf pheno for sure. my ppm is now at 500 and my ph is pretty much buffered at 5.7 and i slightly drop it every 24hrs to 5.2ph. everything is going healthy im on my second set of leaves havent lost anything. hopefully the cheese will be a female(it was a freebie) cause it is very healthy. questions and comments are welcome and needed!


also, i will be posting pics this evening so if your interested to see how these dp blueberries show pheno's stay tuned... ive heard lots of mixed reviews and wild stuff about this paticular strain


ok, so im having some trouble with my leaves. ive posted pics showing the darkening of the leaves and the brown spots. theyre curling under and becoming hard/crunchy. my ppm was 480 i took it down to 380ppm to be safe. can anyone diagnose the issue(s) here and give advice? time is of an essence. i recently added hygrozyme hoping that would help.
my watering schedule is 15on/45off
im using AN grow/micro/bloom 3-part
im supplementing with liquid karma and hygrozyme
i have the AN hobbyist package but i dont want to start adding nutes untill i have this problem under control. i check my pH daily and keep it at 5.2-5.8

plant growth is excellent and it hasnt slowed but once the leaves fully set in they darken, curl under and become spotty and brittle.


Im looking for a little help with my grow. Please go to the "Hydroponic/Aeroponic" forum and look at the thread "Help with aero overwatering.." in order to help diagnose and treat my problem. All good advice will +rep. Please help!



Just started flowering.
Had to cut a good amount of roots in order to unclog the drain hole, I didn't notice any change in plant behavior. I using sensi-bloom a+b and will throw in big bud in two weeks. Ill come back when I sex them.


ok, so i was looking over my journal and decided i hadnt added enough details. so incase you wondering or want to sub' so you can keep up with this here it goes.

  • Plants were vegg'd under a sunblaze t5 28 for 4 weeks.
  • Im using Advanced nutrients Hobbyist level kit.
  • Veg nutes were: Sensigrow A+B, Liquid Karma, Hygrozyme, CalMag+, B-52, Voodoo Juice.
  • Temps maintained at 72F during veg. Humidity was 40%-50%
  • The roots clogged the drainhole at week 3; i cut nearly half the roots off with NO ILL affect. FYI
  • I do a complete res. change every 2 weeks
  • I adjust my pH daily at 5.5(i wanted to go a little lower than suggested).
  • ppm's topped out at 400during veg. i didnt feel the need to go higher.
  • I am now at day 4 of flowering under a 400w HPS. Temp=80F, Hum=51%
  • Flowering nutes are sensibloom A+B, adding BigBug at the start of week 2.
The plants have had some obstacles with leaf claw and drooping but are now flourishing well. They have shown a little stretch since adding the HPS but i top'd the 2 blueberries a few days before flowering in order to keep height down. I simply cut the main stem with a razor blade and it worked perfect; the dinafem cheese is so short and bushy i have no need to top; its literally half as tall as the DP BB with triple the amount of nodes. Note: i highly reccomend Dinafem Cheese, its a good strong indoor plant. I will update again with pics as soon as i see signs of sex, ill add anything i forgot to mention. im looking for questions, comments, rep, the whole sha-bang. this is my first grow so get involved! thx for reading.


Well-Known Member
If the pH is off then the plants just use the water, as the water level drops the level of nutrients and pH, goes up. Thats what you are measuring with the ppm meter.
When this happens the lower leaf turns yellow cause the plant is drawing stored nutrients from them. Its referred to as nute lock out. Usually caused by too high of a pH.

The other thing that can cause the lower leaf to die is a lack of calcium or magnesium. If you are filtering your water with an R/O then you need to add cal-mag every third res change. Go ahead and top off with plain r/o

The amount of nutrients depends on the strain. I have done several grows where I didn't go over 500 ppm and got great buds. On a new strain I will test it by increasing nutrients until I see the tips burn. Then I back off but I know how much they can take.

I use hygrozyme also. I don't think this will stop the yellowing but it will help once you get things balanced.
Its a beautiful thing once you get it balanced, the ppms drop along with the water and the plants just love it.