1K Hut + Clone Cab T5. Fox Nutes. Vids and Pics


Well-Known Member
Hydrohut 4x4 =
600 + 400 HPS = 1000 watts.
IN 450cfm with small carbon filter
OUT 650cfm speed controlled.
Exhaust to outside window bafflebox.
CO2 Gen inside hut. 2 hours 2x a day.
Using Foxfarm ocean forest soil and nutes.

Clone Cabinet =
4 bulb t5 set
pc muffin fan exhaust
trays with humidity domes
2.5 Gal manual pump sprayer

Room =
Windows covered.
Exhaust to outside
Large Garbage bin on wheels bin refilled weekly
Air pump for oxygenation in bin
Fox Nutes 3 pack standard

I learned alot from here so even though you bastards killed my avatar (best one on the site) I came back to help.
This is my current setup exactly.
Been through too many changes to count.
I still want to do a stadium but with hydro looking interesting ive been reluctant to build any physical structures permanent.

If you want to smoke weed of your own. And you want to walk away with enough to last you a few months this I would say is the minimum setup. Put a price tag next to each item and you know what you need to spend if your growing in an apartment at least. And most importantly this is an apartment setup where smell is #1 importance.
I started smaller and I feel like I still need to expand so I can slow down but for now, this setup is killer on smell, temp and production.

What I cant live without.
The garbage bin - cant imagine carrying water from my kitchen by the bucket or something crazy. I fill this with a hose once a week. Always enough. From the bin I use a plain old plant waterer bucket but the bin is kept right next to hut and clone area uncovered for humidity improvement and is oxygenated with a pump and diffuser.

Sprayer 2.5 Gal - When I wasnt cloning I thought it was useful for seedlings and for early veg stages. When I started cloning I realized it was mandatory. Just like the garbage bin you can live without it. But life is so much more peaceful with these two.

Speed Controller - I dont know what people do without them but whenever I change a config like adding or removing carbon filters or even change duct directions air flow can have huge differences making my hydrohut literally want to explode if too much in or suck in the walls beyond belief if too much out ( this is because my hydrohut is almost air tight the fans can kill thing now) The speed controller is manual but at least it works.

And some takeaways.
1.) Humidity domes on clones is like 100% improvement. I mean no one ever really stressed this so I learned this one on my own. But humidity dome is absolutely crucial to my successful clones.
2.) And also dont waste your time buying seeds. You cant be buying seeds every week to grow. You gotta buy a 5 pack and clone them. Why? Because you want a room of all females and you want uniform size and you dont want hermaphrodites. Get a 50 buck 5 pack and clone yourself a 1000 clones for free. But again no one stressed this. I tried to not setup a clone area but this is a no brainer if once again you want productivity and dont have a million bucks for 100 packs of seeds you need a clone area and need to be clonin.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Nice setup and your clone area looks great. I have three different sized domes with varying degrees of venting. I start with no venting and graduate to a small amount of venting after 3 or 4 days and after about 10 days the greatest vented dome. I usually spritz with dechlorinated water 3x per day. I think the propogation dome is like magic. Great looking grow!


Well-Known Member
Nice setup and your clone area looks great. I have three different sized domes with varying degrees of venting. I start with no venting and graduate to a small amount of venting after 3 or 4 days and after about 10 days the greatest vented dome. I usually spritz with dechlorinated water 3x per day. I think the propogation dome is like magic. Great looking grow!

yeah i wanted to save a few hundred plants by hopefully new people seeing that the dome is a requirement if you ask me. and yeah one of my domes is vented and one isnt. i swap them every day. I think at the moment the unvented one is working best but i only have the 2 and they work


Well-Known Member
the girls are doing good. hardest part is trying to figure out what to do with clones for next session as it looks like ive got 30 more days till harvest. again the less water the better which is hard for me since i only look at them every 3-4 days theres big variances in the plants some get thirsty fast some dont seem to want water even once a week but there all healthy as fuck as growing nice. been playing ps3 cod4 and gta4 and skate so ive been pretty much off the pc lately but if you want PM me for my ps3 username so i can shoot you in the face :)
following basically the foxfarm recommended for heavy feeding but using slightly less to be safe i see tiny spots on a few plants but definitely nothing in the top foot of plants so im keeping the same sched. Ive been feeding every water which people say dont do but theyre in small pots little bit of soil so im trying to supplement that with more nutes just my theory but u can see lots of bud sites and theyre nice and green so ill keep trying.


Well-Known Member
using the big bloom and the tiger bloom upping it slow and every watering. small bags are working good if i continue this soil my consumption will be half but im dreaming hydro seeing as im gettin decent.



Well-Known Member
George Bush's $600 is buying me an ebb and gro . Yeah I could build one and it would be like 300 but I can barely find the time to do anything else in my life with work this grow , girls, and summer here and especially do not want to deal with leaks. so free money goes to lazy grow. Ebb and gro looks the best hydroponically for lazy people and it looks very dynamic. 12 pot system picked up from the local store = 650 which is is pretty harsh
but 600 is free cause weve had a monkey running things for 8 years
so the ebb and gro can run 48 pots expandable in sets of 6
I think Ill run 12 at first get it nailed down then expand later
I want to do a stadium but it looks like its going to be when I get a house. I cant be lugging 50 pound bags of soil in and out of my apt place. and now that I wanna go huge and then stop and smoke it all I think I want its gotta wait. Carrying in a big 50 gallon drum or whatever doesnt look illegal just that im retarded to bring that into an apt but inside is the whole ebgro system for 12 monster plants. so soil till I finish these beautiful babies then its dro i guess. Provided I can keep the money and no weird bills pop up it should go back to back.



Well-Known Member
Broadcom CEO:
"In 2001, Nicholas smoked so much marijuana during a flight on a private jet between Orange County and Las Vegas that the pilot had to put on an oxygen mask" AOL.

This dude had a secret underground slut lair under his house the wife didnt even know about, and was throwing airplane parties out of pocket money. This nigga is big pimping or was I should say. My new idol though.


Well-Known Member
wow nice setup especialy for an apt. ive got 90 buckets for my ebb and gro system and im only usin 17 o far.


Well-Known Member
nice grow man.
nyc huh? might have to come smoke with you :D
great grow man honestly.
what strain is that? must have read over it.