1800 watts in 4x4x7 tent???


Well-Known Member
is 1000 watts of hps and 2 400 watt mh too much light for a 4x4x7 tent set up with ebb and flow 4x4 table with 12 plants? was considering running the 1000 hps and one mh for 6 hours then switch to the other 400mh for the other 6 hours? i have just heard talk of having to much light on plants being possible.. thankx.


Ursus marijanus
Yes. I found one 600W HPS to be quite adequate. The 1000 will be at the high end of practical. Unless you want your plants to smoke thenselves. :mrgreen: cn


Well-Known Member
600 dosent seem like it would be enough. that is only 37.5 watts per sf when 50 is what everyone says you want.


Well-Known Member
Waaaaay too much. 1000w would be perfect, assuming you can keep the tent and lights cool enough. You might be surprised how much effort it takes to cool a 1000 watt lamp in a 4x4 tent. Cool intake air and air cooled circuit for lighting will be a must.
4x4 - 1000 watt
3x3 - 600 watt
2x2 - 400 watt

In general... You can cover a little more space if you want. Especially if you are less worried about getting dense buds, and more worried about high yields.


Active Member
Not in your wildest dreams would all those work in a small tent. I laugh at the thought. Everyone likes fantasy, but stay inside the practical. What a question....



Active Member
you can def do it.. i have a 4x8 tent which i normally run one lite on each side.. but since im staggering each side by 4 weeks (harvest every month) i temporarily set up my tent with both 1000's on the same side and im have great results.. ive lowered one ballast to 750w and running the other at 1k (adjustable ballasts) bc its summer and my room creeps over 85 with both lights at 1k.. but that is something that can be fixed with a bigger A/C... as long as you can cool it, go for it. you can light bleach the top of the plants if the reflectors are too close ..but no probs with that here. in fact.. unless you have a really large reflector the corners of a 4x4 tent wont recieve all the light they need.



Well-Known Member
well shows what you know because they seem to work just fine in there. heat is not an issue because i have a water chiller.


Well-Known Member
that last one was to the dudoer. i mean how much is the sun producing? tryin to get as close to the sun as possible, rite?


Well-Known Member
Wow. 110 watts/sq ft. You are pulling it off. Is it efficient?

It still is 1750 watts in a 4x8. Even though it is moved to a side, your enclosed space is 4x8.

OP is talking about 1800 in a 4x4.

If the chiller will control it though, do it. Would be sweet to see.

Efficiency is only part of the puzzle, imo.
Amazing buds are what drops jaws.

from my book understanding, not experience, you might need co2 to reach potential.
even then, you be getting diminished returns on your wattage.


Active Member
You're right, I know nothing. Try research over stupid questions; maybe you'd get better answers if the questions were worth reading. Good luck, you need it.



Well-Known Member
definatly already have co2 and regulator along with sentinel dual beam controller. so u think in the end i wont get the yeild those watts should produce using noly the 4x4


Well-Known Member
research all you want. expirence is what really matters. thats where you get real answers genius.


Well-Known Member
only using 1400 watts. have 1000 in the middle with a mh on both sides slanted downwards. one mh goes for 6hours and then the other for the last 6 hours.


Active Member
i run a 6'' air cooled 1000w hps in a 4.5x4.5x7.5 tent and i get some really nice buds.
The tent gets about 8 to 10 degrees hotter then the intake air temps,so my temps are between 78 and 85 through the summer, alot more stable in the winter.
i think 1800 would be too much for a 4x4x7 tent


Active Member
Someone with experience need not ask stupid questions. You're right again, what good would research do? Cart, then horse, right? My grows are out of your league, and not flights of fantasy. Prayer may do more for your plants than you will.



Well-Known Member
Pics or this shit never happened sorry to say. I mean seriously you've asked a pretty outlandish question, and ok you've gotten some pretty outlandish answers, but no need to abuse the people trying to help you out or even just stating their opinion like duder, which wasn't that offensive anyway so just relax.
4x4 is my tent specs, and I run a single 600w mh/hps in there with minor heat issues over the summer if it's a really hot day. You're adding 1200W to the equation?? (not to mention you haven't stated whether they're in reflectors/air cooled hoods?) and even if they weren't, there's NO WAY you have space for 3 lights, a 12 spot ENF, a "air cooler"(whatever that may be?) and sufficient amount of air induction in there buddy ;) have a good one.


Well-Known Member
heat is not an issue because i have a water chiller.
You'll need more than just a chiller with that much wattage going into that little tent. You're gonna need to pump air conditioning into there as well...

Don't think it's gonna happen regardless.


Well-Known Member
All you need is a 600. You aren't trying to mimic the sun as you will fail every time. You are trying to maximum both yield and efficiency and 1800w over a 4x4 is not at all efficient and IMO will likely lower yield due to stresses. Like people have mentioned it's definitely possible but that doesn't mean it's a good idea nor that it calculates out $/g.

Here's a 600w tent yielding ~1.2lbs a swing with low veg time. I can't imagine you yielding >3.5lbs in a 4x4 (the equivalent weight/wattage). https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/502381-flowamastas-grow-no-3-indica.html