175watt light Qs?


Well-Known Member
ok i have a 6500k bulb right now on 18/6 now i have been looking for a hps for the 175w and cant seem to find one?? what should i do just keep the same bulb and just say screw it not buy a ballast let me know thanksssssssssssssss;-)


Active Member
never heard of a 175 watt ballast/bulb , i've heard of 70w, 150w, 250..... they might make them i dunno, but as far as efficiency goes, the 600 watt has more lumens/penetration per watt than any other, thus the best 'bang for your buck' so to speak.
like cacamal said, use whatever you got, the higher wattage the better lol, just dont fry your babies!