166w rubbermaid Bonanza


Active Member
Well after lurking for the past 6 mths I decided to share my pleasant bagseed surprise.

Heres the Settup.

lifeless design

126w veg tub

166w bloom tub

Ocean forest uncut soil(experimenting straight out of the bag w/o added perlite)

Foxfarm growbig tigerbloom and big bloom plus beastie bloomz and cha ching.

Day 52 flower

Its good to be here


Active Member
thanks for stopping by folks

I am not sure what to expect. This is my second run with this settup. I got 10z from 1 plant on the first run. Harvested way to early could have gotten a little more. Im hoping for 2 oz but this is a bagseed strain and they barely stretched at all which will affect my yield. The way i have my lights settup you want to grow the buds up and around the lights for better penetration. I should have had 6 inches more of vertical growth. But now i know for next run. I plan on reveging the purp on the right if it smokes as good as it looks.

The smell is skunky and the resin smells like skittles. Should be a great find

So we will see

Ill do updates weekly


Active Member
My first grow using all fluoros came out decent but once i saw midway through flowering that i was getting way too airy nugz i broke down and finished under a 400 watt hps not saying you cant grow a complete crop under flouros it just did not work out well for my first legal grow.


Active Member
Id love a hps right now. All in due time This is a great way for me to learn my craft. But if i can dial a method that supplys me with a little extra on the side. then all is well with cfls and me. If not. Then its off to hid I go.


Active Member
9 Colas in a perfect circle. nice brah +rep bongsmilie
Super sick setup... Is that just a passive intake with active exhaust? I plan on startn a similar setup but both rubbermaids will be to veg before the outdoors... Very nice circular growth of buds, very nice bud bouquet :)


Active Member
Thanks for the love folks.

Yes I found a gem inside those bagseeds. The irony is that they are from the worst looking brick weed ever. After this run I would have to argue on the side of genetics as most important. Well see how it smokes though.(but im sure its gonna be some of the best Ive ever smoked after the harvest and cure.

Correct its a passive intake system with a pc fan exhaust Its not the stealthiest but In the room I dont need stealth

I searched all around at all the rubbermaids out there and this is what i found to be the simplest build especially for peeps just starting out and are too paranoid to go anywhere but home depot

Ill post some better pics of the settup tomorrow and explain how i made it.

So Stay tuned


Active Member
Since some have asked ill get a little more detailed on my settup. This is a lifeless Design. I find it is almost the simplest rubbermaid design for anybody starting out.


This is what your gonna need

2 31gallon rubbermaids.(Black is the best)

1 bathroom vanity light.(31gal is perfect for 4fixture) Use the insides not the outer body

3 or 4 42w cfls 6500k for veg 2700k for flower. With this ventilation system 4 is pretty max

2 L 2" pvc joints

1 4" t shaped pvc joint

1 3.5 inch computer fan wired to 12v adapter

1 replacement cord for power tool(heavy duty) Wired to vanity light.

1 box cutter knife

Caulking gun and caulk

Super glu type adhesive(mines dollar store)

2 cans white krylon plastic spraypaint

1 can black krylon plastic spraypaint

a couple 2 inch bolts with washers

All is at home depot minus computer fan and adapter. Thats radioshacks job.

Heres a few Closer pics of my veg chamber.
The Flower is pretty much the same except it has a 4 fixture vanity light and diffenent color bulbs.

make sure you have that tjoint almost all the way up there for increased vertical.

I liked mine on the outside so i had all the space on the inside

Just glue the fan on the pipe and wrap it with electrical or duct tape

Kntrl, great set-up man. I am very interested in learning more about this. How about odor control? Do you secure the top on your chamber at all. Beautiful looking plants hats off to you.