150w HPS Flower/CFL Veg Bubba Kush and Blueberry Herijuana 'ScreenOGreen'


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Hey guys an gals. Soon a 150w HPS will be purchased for a closet grow Screen of Green included :D

Both of these clones will veg until the completely cover the bottom of the netting then the switch to 12/12 with hps. Once again there is reflective mylar on as many surfaces as possible, constant air flow around plants, and a temperature of no more than 75 degrees F. Soil is just light warrior this time. Nutrients are AN Grow, Micro, and big bud and of course Mollasses I love the stuff, and it works great with light warrior!!

Right now the bubba is sitting under 2 27w 5000k cfls. Once the blueberry arrives it will go under 2 more 27 watt same spectrum. The bubba is from a not yet failed new hydro setup lol. I say not yet failed because it was my first time and she already was starting to show signs of nute lockout cause of bad pH. Now it is getting much better especially in soil the pH goes perfect with AN nutes.

Stay tuned for update pics once in a while of two adjacent beauties getting bigger and blooming together and looking BEAUTIFUL together.. purple bubba? :D

I stepped down from a 1000w cause it is unnecessary to my needs and it was perfect to experiment with different growing techniques until i got something down. Soil is the SHIT! haha hydro you honestly have to baby the shit out of the plant, not knocking hydro growers at all actually, i love hydroponics that's why i even started it in the first place with ms bubba here, but i knew i would probably kill the plant because of not even a pH meter lol. let alone ppm! I'd rather leave it to the people who know how to grow hydro properly to do their thang cause in the end its the same plant lol and its all good.


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So I am going to leave the blueberry herijuana under this light and put the other bubba kush outside. I built a box specifically for Screen of green, and i call it the jungle box haha. This blueberry will veg until it has at least 2 budsites per netting, or just one per on some 2 per on others. A 150w hps plus ballast will be used to flower out this single plant. I tend to focus more on the single plants rather multiple plants. To me there is more beauty to appreciating something to its fullest than selling it, but big grows to have lots of ganja work great too.



Active Member
Day 3 Veg. Soooo STOKED on this one, its gonna be a beast with beastly nuggies :D

Especially in the small enough space, you have reflective material, 6.8 pH 150w hps, constant air flow, 75 degrees, Screen of Green, and most importantly a caring soul who takes care of the plants and makes sure they are perfect and well fed, and good 2 goooo! :D

Add advanced nutrients to that mix, some grow, micro, and big bud, and you have a complete recipe for a disastrous herijuana tornado that hits you so hard you don't even know what hit you... lolol :hump:

And don't forget mollasses :) most importantly in all stages of flower

Also I realize cannabis has been grown amazing by knowledgable growers for a long time, i'm honestly excited because I have been perfecting a grow technique over the course of the 1000w grow that still is flowering out a beautiful sativa that works for me, AS LITTLE STRESS AS POSSIBLE, AS LITTLE PROBLEMS AS POSSIBLE, so the plant can grow to it's FULLEST potential in the short time it already gave itself to express itself to its fullest.

Or in very simple words (keep it simple stupid!) :P hahaha



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Gave the blueberry herijuana some radioactive fertilizer hence the glowing, it said it increases bud size by x1,000,000 ... LOL jk

But in all seriousness today is Day 5 of Veg. She has officially taken off in rooting into the new medium. I am waiting till the day to transfer that when i take off the grow bag the rooting is so crazy it holds the dirt together so no worries of a fuck up especially with youngins like these :D so for crazy rooting to happen b-1 will be introduced to the watering mix next time she gets watered.

Good roots = Good buds

And I actually have a camera this time so I can share the beauty that is about to happen, the last one was so beautiful, such a fruity smell, with the sharp overtone of herijuana just there to kick you in the face.. lol



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Day Whatever.. lol

Nice new growth, Gonna introduce bloodmeal into the soil tomorow for some good ol nitrogen for all of veg basically. I LOVE BLOODMEAL!

These two are my babies, I am taking care of them so much without interfering with growth. The bubba was just introduced to the screen and is taking on to it as we speak and shifting towards the light :D JUST WHAT I WANT!!, This Net is going to be COVERED with buds.

