150w HPS First Grow Bagseed Stealth Grow Tent


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So far its been 4 days since I've started this project. The pictures posted below are where I'm at now. So far I'm using a medium height grow tent. The size is 16*16*48. I'm using fox farm ocean forest soil. And a 150w HPS. I have a thermometer from walmart. A cage fan. And a 3 speed fan for the meantime. I plan on veggin for a month. Then flowerin for two months. So far I have bought any nutes. If someone would suggest me some good soil friendly I would appreciate. I'm going to work on my ventilation too. Moneys kinda tight but the way things are set up seems to be workin pretty good. Temps stay at 84 humid: 40%. Aswell I plan on practicing LST. Any good suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry for the low quality pictures I don't have a digital camera so I did my best with my blackberry.

Short Clip:



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Its been a few days since I updated. I only got one pot because of financial problems. lol but Im not going to keep all the plants that are on this post. Im only going to keep the biggest ones and loose the smallest ones. Ill be getting more pots tomorrow and doing that transfer. Hopefully more pics? They shouldve been way bigger by now but the cups aint cuttin it. Hopefully the new one in its new home shows me different. Temps are steady at 84 lights off at 76 lowest 72. humidity at 42 lights off at 60. Hopefully these little girls give me a lot to work with this next month coming up! they havent been fed any nutes. Im going to feed them some pretty soon. Havent came across getting some yet. Update pretty soon. Ill try to keep coming on here more often too!


Short clips:



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I No a pal grew bagseed despite me telling him not to and he got a plant that wasnt half bad i mean im not gna say it wicked but it was a nice smoke good luck.peace


Active Member
I No a pal grew bagseed despite me telling him not to and he got a plant that wasnt half bad i mean im not gna say it wicked but it was a nice smoke good luck.peace
Thanks. Ill stop by and look at your grow.

BTW! I got a new update! The plant look amazing and you can see the drastic change in them.


Active Member

The plants leaves were droopy when i watered them! I did some kind of mist affect to let them breath that fresh air. They look good. the pictures with the leaves up where when the lights where off.. as you can see the yellow is starting to spread they are hungry for some nutes. Just a brief update. Imma upload the video later



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Im going to fix my watering days to every other three days.. See if that helps with the leaves and the stem build up


Active Member
The first few pics are old! The roots have found they way out of the new pot already! This started happening a few days ago! Im going to get it a new home pretty soon. I will be moving those cups to another home soon too. Im practicing lst I bent the stem so it can focus on the bottom part of the plant and hopefully get a lil fatter! No nutes yet! The leaves are yellow Ive been watering everyday im going to start doing so everyday other day or every other two days! I think im over watering. Well so far i got the tent cleaned up with all the other plants that were taking up space. Got only foor in there now. So lets see how they love the light fixture now. I set the tent up so I can keep the door close and keep more light focused inside while keeping temps low. Hopefully these next two weeks start looking good before I start to flower them!




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They seem to be looking a lot better! Ive stopped watering everyday and I can see the leaves changing back to their orginal color plus a cange in growth and in leaf size! They look good and healthy! Im going to start flowering this month so lets see what they turn out like. So far everything so good. They havent been fed yet their on straight water. But over all I can say they look good and the lst went good! they came back up good and strong. you can look at the last post when I did it they where layin flat! anyways cheers!



Active Member
you humidity is kind of low. if you bring it up to 60 - 65% your plants will grow faster.
im growing one bag seed right now too i got out some BOMB bud. hope the plants grows out as good as the weed i smoked.
My humidity stay at around 50 - 55% I dont have a dehumidifier to bring it up. If you could give me a few good tips on how to bring it up. I would appreciate. Thats whats up? Do you have pics of your set up? I'm interested


Active Member
My humidity stay at around 50 - 55% I dont have a dehumidifier to bring it up. If you could give me a few good tips on how to bring it up. I would appreciate. Thats whats up? Do you have pics of your set up? I'm interested
If u really want to raise the humidity just spray the inside of the tent with a spray bottle.. Anything moist with a little heat will raise the humidity! Be creative!!! PS. A dehumidifier would de humidify and a humidifier or steamer would humidify...


Active Member
looking good bro...how long have those been vegging for?
Thanks. They have been veggin for three weeks now going on a month on the 11th.

If u really want to raise the humidity just spray the inside of the tent with a spray bottle.. Anything moist with a little heat will raise the humidity! Be creative!!! PS. A dehumidifier would de humidify and a humidifier or steamer would humidify...
Thanks for the tip! I always spray the leaves of the plants and the humidity goes up to like 55 or so but never up to 60. Whats a good level to keep it on you would say?


Active Member
Thanks for the tip! I always spray the leaves of the plants and the humidity goes up to like 55 or so but never up to 60. Whats a good level to keep it on you would say?
I don’t know if I'd suggest raising the Humidity, I was letting you know how to because someone else suggested it and you asked how to.... IMO, 35-50 should be perfect for a mj plant in the vegetative state..

Happy Growing!


Active Member
Lol I thought you said it was better to bring it up. Well they seem to love their home right now temp and humidty don't seem to look bad. But thanks. Ill just keep doing what I was doing. Do you have a current grow?