15+ strains with sensi jack herer. 1000HPS perpetual.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments guys. Im glad at least some people appreciate my work. Still lacking in the production dept though despite even having co2 supplement. But I get complements from friends that buy my weed, unfortunately at full price. Lets me know Im doing something right.

Some shitty news. Went to redding for the weekend. Got back home thismorning and found both of my blue dream plants in the tent bent over and leaning on other plants. And the leaves have lightened up significantly which concernes me. Is this going to be one of those grows where all the leaves yellow and fall of way before harvest and look pathetic? I'll give it a blast of grow nute the next feeding. And these two didnt stretch like the other one I grew and didnt grow the great big healthy green fan leaves. I used a different brand of beneficials than my first one, AN tarantula instead of the rootsoregonism. My veg plants and clones are right on schedule. Taking several cuttings tomorrow of the strains I got at harborside, Afgoo, blue dream and santa cruz kush. Making lots of whiteberry cuts as well.


Well-Known Member
The blue dream plant that was yellowing has since recovered and is growing big green healthy leaves. That dose of grow really did the trick. They look fine and healthy overall. Im putting 3 26 inch blue dream plants in today. So that gives me 5 bd in flower. I'll be smoking fat again this april. And I wont forget to mention the jack herer and jack the ripper that have been in now for about 11 days. Next week I'll put a 24" afgoo into flower as well. Maby another whiteberry too.