
Hey all I just stumbled upon a really good deal, its a brand new 400W MH system for only $100. It comes with a 14K bulb, I was wondering if this was ideal for growing before i purschase it? Because i know have seen that most vegetive growth takes 6500K so im wondering whats the difference between the two and if i can use it....please let me know all! Thanksa!
Well I think its made for like a indoor coral reef or aquatics or something, but I checked the kelvin chart and it claims that 14K is what the sun emits with a clear sky and claims 6500K is what is emittied noonish or on sunset.....

So i was wondering since 14K claimed to be a clear sky if this would still be suitable for growing?


Well-Known Member
well if u have the system ids just go to home depo and get a 6500k light do it right.....14000k light and 6500k light wont change anything as long as there the same wattage ull be able to use it....just go but a 6500k mh same wattage
14k TOTALLY werks...... i run 10k and 14k bulbs for my veg cycle. its just a "bluer" appearance than 65k. my plants kick ass under 14k.

from my coral-reef aquarium days: 10k is the best 'growth' spectrum for corals, (6500k for plants). while 14k peaks xooanthellae (coral's-chlorophyll) growth, it also helps to keep plants bushy (and makes leaves huge!)



Active Member
Pretty much any type of light will work, provided you have enough lumens (that's not to say it'll work ideally). 14000K is on the far side of the spectrum, meaning that it puts out a visibly white light ( if you don't know, white light is the combination of all the other spectrums). This bulb will work, though you will not be maximizing efficiency with your 400 w ballast. It's up to you, but you will see faster growth with a bulb rated at the proper kelvin (K).
Well I actually found a really awesome deal. a brand new 400 watt HPS in the box, and i scooped that. :-)

I should be able to use fluros until i want to flower, right?


Well-Known Member
Well I actually found a really awesome deal. a brand new 400 watt HPS in the box, and i scooped that. :-)

I should be able to use fluros until i want to flower, right?
yeah that should work.....will be slower growth rate BUT it will work......why not just do the whole grow under HPS? just use the flouros for supplements

ya just like sirbudmaster said........... the flors are just a great starter/intermed lighting. you'll want to put them under a metal hal for veg and hps for flower. i started with flors and went to 400s and it's a dragstic change in growth. but now i'm with 1000s and shit only takes a few weeks and i'm back into flower.........so if you can ..... do 1000s. if your gona spend that kind of funds on 4s..... wats another 100 buks.
can i use hps? wouldnt this be completely inefficent as HPS burns in the red spectrum as opposed to blue? What are the INs and OUTs of using an HPS for veg and flower?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently using an HPS in addition to several 6500k 26w CFL's for vegging. The benefit from using an HPS or 2700k CFL's during veg is that it keeps the plant short and bushy atleast thats what I have been told and it seems to be true. I have a white widow right now that's 2 weeks old and has atleast 4 nodes in the span of an inch and my Blueberry has 8 nodes in the span of 6 inch's.


Well-Known Member
can i use hps? wouldnt this be completely inefficent as HPS burns in the red spectrum as opposed to blue? What are the INs and OUTs of using an HPS for veg and flower?
lots of peeps here prefer to grow with HPS only.....you get a bit more stretching....but you can counter that with your flouros
