12'' plant lost some leaves will it recover?


I Got a couple of plants growing, and one that is a foot tall or so,had some leaves damaged because of my growspace has glass panes for stealth (blocks FLIR) and the plant is still a nice color green but it only has 3 leaves left undamaged, the others fell off,its up to its 5th node and is growing 2 more leaf sets, im just wondering how long it will take for her to recover, also will that cauze the plant to grow shorter/bushier?


Active Member
just my two pennys. If those "glass panels" are mirrored then the refraction of light could be to intense creating "hot spots"


Yeah, the glass does heat up, but if you use a cooling system then no prob, i use water cooling, and police cant get a warrent from a warm area, they need actual evidence of marijuana.