12/12 question


Active Member
I've been growing a couple plants (new to indoor growing) indoors 12/12 from seed for about 3 weeks now. My plants are healthy and showing pre-flowers. I'm curious if switching them to a veg cycle 18-6 would stress them out? I'm not saying I'm going to do this, I'm just curious what would happen if I did? I'm mainly an outdoor grower and pretty new to indoor growing. I'm doing 12/12 from seed out of curiosity really.


Active Member
i mean it would stress the plant i have taken clones from a flowering plant and brought them back to veg took me about a month to get them to root but they didnt hermy it just depends on the plant M8


Active Member
No it would not stress them just take awhile as stated to revert to veg growth because of the 12/12 but would be fine.. And would veg faster under 24 light rather then 12


New Member
leave the lights on 24/7 for the fastest veg growth. The least I would go is 18/6 for veg. 12/12 is fine if you just wanna see what they do but its almost a waste of your time. Goodluck either way bongsmilie