12/12 Help


Active Member
It depends what your limiting factors are.

Do you have small space? 12/12 sooner rather than later. Some people will 12/12 from seed. I started 12/12 after 3~4 weeks but I am short on space.

In the end it's upto you, and how big you want your plant to be.


yea im short on space and they are about 2 weeks almost 3 soo should i just wait until 4 weeks cause i really dont want a huge plant


Well-Known Member
you can basically start a 12/12 cycle when ever you would like. younger plants can take longer to actually go into flowering once you have them on 12/12. some indicas need to veg for an alloted amount of time before flowering, but generally you can switch whenever you would like.

if you want to flower when the plant is fully "mature" (not sure if this is the best word) in veg, then keep an eye out for preflowers. this means that the plant is preparing itself for flowering. this takes a while, depending on the strain, like 1-2 months. this doenst mean that you have to flowre though, you can keep vegging pretty much indefinetely.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
wow this is the best turnout of quick responses i have ever seen, your lucky grow17


sooo even if i start it now which my plants are about to be 3 weeks they will start to produce the budd if female???


Active Member
you can flower anytime after 10-12 inchs above soil just the longer you wait the more yield.


Active Member
3 weeks old, I will use my grow as the example. It took 2 weeks of 12/12 before flowers started appearing. Another reason i started 12/12 so early is all my bulbs where 2700k in colour. So my veg wasn't very optimum if you understand.