

Well-Known Member
Still got it going guys going to try and be a bit more active..........as you guys know I built a little rubbermaid mom and clone box, only useing one 26w full spectrum bulb, I took one of the girls that started 12/12 from seed (she was a westside seed) and she is now the mom, I think she has given me 10 clones so far, I plan to produce a sister for her, and then one other mom to be determined, I will still run some 12/12 from seed so I cana do a comparison, also still running some soil and some h.b's but I think i will end up all h.bs i think I am safe as long as i keep the moleasses out of the mix, anyway some pics of some seedlings some clones and the mom



Well-Known Member
whats up guys happy Friday...........not much to report the hb's are so much faster than soil, I just hope removing the moleasses from the mix did the trick so far so good :joint:........couple of my clones are starting to stretch:-D..........and I am just waiting for 2 of the 12/12 from seeds that survived to finish up they are looking pretty good one indica, one sativa, hopefully 2-3 weeks, just a few shots of 2 of the clones and one of the flowering ladies.



Active Member
This is so crazy, i had no idea you can get a half oz per week with such little rm. Definatly gives me some ideas. Thanks for the inspiration


Well-Known Member
hey guys was going to post some pics but the batteries need to charge on the camera so either later or tomorrow, all systems are still running smoothly put 4 new clones in flower today, they were taken a week ago and received 24 hour lighting for that week, 2 are in hempy buckets and 2 are in soil, I will use these to do a side by side comparison. my other cloens in hempy are doing great so far, they will be fed dynagrow bloom, 1/4 tsp and 1/4tsp epsom salt ( may increase to 1/2tsp) and 2 drops superthrive per gallon, soil plants are still getting the dr bud mix......one of my clones has a 4 figered leaf never seen that before does it mean anything? I will get a pic when the batteries charge


Active Member
I was just thinking about applying this to a micro grow i am construing/planning. Would it be practical to have a similar setup but with a Screen? (Basically the Scrog Method but for a 12/12 microgrow)

Also, i believe you mentioned something about topping these plants to slow upward growth. I think thats a great idea because it serves multiple purposes.(Cloning and Promoting side growth.)

However, is it possible to just LST the plants and keep them short?

Lastly, is this doable with a 150 watt HPS light?


Well-Known Member
I cant give you mcuh advise on the scrog or lst, I like topping because it provides a clone and keeps the height down.......I have never run a 150w hps, the hardest thing imho will be getting a decent light footprint with only one bulb, and obviously ventilation..........


Well-Known Member
Ok a few pics as promised some garden shots (finally full again, as you will seed I have some soil and some hb's, I have to run to the garden store today for more jiffy pellets, and perlite, still looking for a hydro store alternative for nutes in the hb's...... the clones are taking off nicely, and 2 of the 12/12 from seeds threw pistils today ( they are in soil):clap:, I think thats about all for now, oh one of my 12/12 from seeds that is fininshing up, the indica one, all the thrichs are mily, BUT the pitils are still 95% white:confused::confused:, I am going to let her go until I see mote orange hairs or amber thrichs, the sativa is still growing I will get some pics of them tomorrow, I downgraded my lighting to just 4x 42w, my temps are alot better and I have more headspace, I think with the drop in temps the loss of watts and lumens will not matter as much, its all about finding the right balancebongsmilie..........and the plants seem to be growing alot better now sometimes less is more I guess we will see, anyway on to the pics......oh there is a pic of the 4 fingered leaf anyone ever seen that before?



Well-Known Member
took one of the 12/12 from seed plants down this morning, all the thrichs were mily with a little amber starting, got the main cola and some popcorn nugs, pic of the cola below next to a bic lighter, they will be in the dryer box til thursday and I will give you guys the total weight my guess iwth the popcorn nugs is 5grams



Active Member
Do you guys think that a carbon scrubber and fan placed inside of a grow box would also help with the smell or would it not make that much of a difference unless its on the exhaust?

I would thinking that some additional stinky odors in the box would get “cleaned” while in there but I just wanted to get some feedback.


Well-Known Member
ok quick news flash I got it confirmed from dr bud that the molasses was the problem........so it is scratched and we move forward.

cron should I just bend the top down maybe try some lst?...............
wuz up bigD? sorry i didnt wrte back sooner but i didnt have internet for like a month or so. i just recently moved to a new apartment so im back now. n e ways yes i would bend it instead. and try to find a strain that doesnt grow to tall so u dont have this problem. if you do end revegging just know that once the plant starts vegging again its probably gonna end up twice as tall as it is now so becareful. and for the molassess u should try using it at a quarter of the strength you normaly would and only use it on the last 4-5 weeks of flowering only. i use regular sugar and it does make my buds bigger then normal. remember like u said sometimes less is more, makes perfect sense when it comes down to this growing stuff. also when you top your plants once they've already started throwing pistils your gonna end up reducing your yeild so try to top them at least two weeks b4 you start flowering them so they have enough time to heal n recover properly. thats what i do when i start a new seed and if it ends up being a male then i'll discard his clones as well. just make sure to labe them. peace out bro.


Well-Known Member
good to see you back cron...since I have a little rubbermaid mom and clone cab I probably wont be topping the 12/12 from seeds at all anymore, I will always keep some going from seed in the floower cab in search of a killer strain and if I see something I like I will top it and use the clone to make a mom, let the original seed plant bud out (yield wolndt be very important) just to check the quality and then if she is a keeper work from clone, I have an indica now that threw pistils today , she is so green and smells more than anything in my box, so I am going to let her top stretch a bit, and take her top and make a potential mother plant..........

other updates, I put all the plants into anew soil mix over the weekend, I am going to work hard on this soil thing I am really starting to like it, its an organic mix called Dr Q,s Filthy rich, has peat mosss worm castings kelp blone and blood meal, some lime for ph balancing and perlite, I added more perlite to it for additional drainage, and damn my plants are loving this stuff, this is the fastest growth I have seen so far, within 48 hours of transplanting most of the plants had new roots nearly to the bottom of ther containers very white and hairy, no drooping no burns, this will be my soil mix until further notice, I am hoping I wont have to feed them much if at all, when I do I am not sure what it will be I would like to keep it organic, I am wondering if maybe just the fish emulsions and some molasses would be a good tea, going to have to read up on it, sorry for this being so long guys:joint:....I fucking ran out of jiffy peat pellets, and i cant find them anywhere locally not even the garden store, so iam using the jiffy pots with my soil mix for the time being we wil see if that works, I will order some from the net if need be, also, lol so much info I know I ordered some seeds :bigjoint:,5 feminised Big bang from greenhouse seeds, everything I read about it makes it sound perfect for me and my operation, i will let you guys know when I get and start them,

Ok a few pics below of the garden and several shots of clones 4 clones all about a week apart in age, I think they look great what do you guys thgink??



Well-Known Member
whats up guys happy Friday bongsmilie nothing much to report plants are doing great I am loving this soil, growth looks very healthy, I repotted my mother into a new pot (recycled coffee container) so she is in the new mix also , I am putting labels with the date my plants first show pistils on them I consider that too be day one of flowering it will help with me planning out my harvest, I also plan to figure out the perfect time for my westside strain I am running I figure maybe take one at day 55 day 60 and maybe even day 65 and 70 to see the difference and what I like best, I want to really dial this strain in if I can. I still am and will be running a few spots in the box for 12/12 from seeds so I can keep some variety and compare yields, I have one that is 12/12 from seed she is about 44 days into flowering, been using her to experiment with some nute mixes, she has no fan leaves left lol but still budding , most of the leaves got burned by lights befor I scaled them back, think thats about it, a couple of pics of my mom after her transplant and some clones that are waiting to be planted the larger 2 were taken 5 days ago, the smaller 3 were taken 2 days ago i think and a couple of garden shots of course



Well-Known Member
whats up guys just a few random gaqrden pics, a good one of the 4 fingered fan leaf still cant find any info on that and if it means anything good or bad:wall: plus rep to anyone that can help may mean nothing may mean something, also took some pics of a coouple of the clones they are about 2 weeks into flower now looking good still stretchinga bit but i think they are slowing down whihch would be perfect should start forming buds in a week or so :weed:, also a pic of a rally nice indica 12/12 from seed I have going its about 3 weeks from seed hoping its a girl if so she will be topped and cloned I will flower out the original seed plant and veg the clone to become a mom, I really like the leaf structure and its the truest indica looking plant I have seen from my seed stash, and lastly my flowering 12/12 from seed girl she has been thru alot but will reward me with some decent buds she is at about 45 days flowering ( i count fromthe day first pistils show) I had planned to make her a mom (which is why she is in the coffee container) but she is very sativa dominant and thats not what I was looking for in a mom, so I flowered her out she got a late flower fimming, and has 4 heads coming out of the top lol, bud site all the way to the soil line and the top is just one big cluster of those sativa type buds kind of long and skinny you guys know what I mean lol, she has alot of milky trichs already but I wont dare touch her before day 56 :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
wuz Big i thought i had already commeted on that already? i must to forgot, but the truth is that its perfectly normal when u clone. get use to seeing a whole bunch more weird leaf patterns its just the plant redeveloping its self. if u look closely at the new leafs growing in you'll see lil by lil it'll add one new feather each time a new node sprouts. but its normal so your good bro. keep up the good work!

whats up guys just a few random gaqrden pics, a good one of the 4 fingered fan leaf still cant find any info on that and if it means anything good or bad:wall: plus rep to anyone that can help may mean nothing may mean something, also took some pics of a coouple of the clones they are about 2 weeks into flower now looking good still stretchinga bit but i think they are slowing down whihch would be perfect should start forming buds in a week or so :weed:, also a pic of a rally nice indica 12/12 from seed I have going its about 3 weeks from seed hoping its a girl if so she will be topped and cloned I will flower out the original seed plant and veg the clone to become a mom, I really like the leaf structure and its the truest indica looking plant I have seen from my seed stash, and lastly my flowering 12/12 from seed girl she has been thru alot but will reward me with some decent buds she is at about 45 days flowering ( i count fromthe day first pistils show) I had planned to make her a mom (which is why she is in the coffee container) but she is very sativa dominant and thats not what I was looking for in a mom, so I flowered her out she got a late flower fimming, and has 4 heads coming out of the top lol, bud site all the way to the soil line and the top is just one big cluster of those sativa type buds kind of long and skinny you guys know what I mean lol, she has alot of milky trichs already but I wont dare touch her before day 56 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
thanks chron, nothing much to report all is looking good today, since my flower box is finally full I can work on gettin gsome other moms going, wont need to take any clones for a while to flower but I will still take some to keep my mom small I will just have to ditch them :cuss:hate throwing away perfectly good clones but what else can I do:wall:, hope my seeds get here soon I am looking forward to trying to grow this big bang, I may take some pics later if my camera gets done charging before the games start


Active Member
Ok ive got a good question...

Would it work well to do this 12/12 lighting entirely with an HPS light?

Im aware it might not be necesarry, but im just wondering because HPS lights are supposed to be best for the flowering stage. And since this is flowering basically the entire life of the plant...well hopefully you see where im going.

Basically, would it be good to use HPS for 12/12 since their the best lights for flowering?


Well-Known Member
an hps would not work in my grow. my box is too small so the heat would be a huge problem, but there is nothing wrong with running an hps 12/12 as long as you have the proper set up

pics coming in a while waiting for lights on


Well-Known Member
nothing much to report, I am going to use the 20 0z soda bottle containers going forward, I can fit the same number in there and the added soil allows me to go an additional day between waterings most of my current containers are 16 oz water bottles, they will work but will require more frequent watering I also think the little bit of added root space may make a difference in yield but that remains to be seen..... a few pics from the garden today

