12/12 after a month


Active Member
i wanna kno if u could do 12/12 after a month r should i jus wait for 8-9 weeks r wat i need help sumone help me im new at growin n i dont wanna kill my plant n i have a plant dat is 11 days old n it looks like its growin slow


Active Member
What lights are you using? What soil are you using? You can switch to 12/12 for flowering when your plants reaches "your" desired height. Also, how much height do you have to work with in your space?

If you can throw some pics up, will make it easier to help you.


Active Member
Weeds been known to be able to flower at any age really. Just wait until it's about half the height you want it to be when finished then switch to 12/12. A month is plenty of time, as long as its growing properly


Well-Known Member
ok i jus bought a 100 watt would dat work n a grow light dat is 75 watt
dont really understand that but 100watts of actual watts of cfls is good for veg. Hahah the cd's made me laugh, they wont do anything for reflectivity. If you want some reflection on the walls then its best to paint them with flat white paint, mylar is good too.


Active Member
how big should start budding n there are lil leafs between the leafs n at first i thought it start buddin bt idk



Well-Known Member
no, those are nodes... wait til theres about 5-6 pairs looks like ur at around 3... flower around 12 inches :)


Well-Known Member
If i were u then i'd veg it more, that thing looks way too tiny. U could start flowering it but you wont get much off of it. If you have the time then i suggest wait, you will be happier with more bud!!


Well-Known Member
If you have the time,and if you have the space,and if you have proper lighting,and if you intend on doing more grows after this one using clones from this plant you should wait longer,its best to wait until a plant is sexually mature before flowering.

When a plant reaches sexual maturity it produces much larger & fatter buds,if you can wait it out your best bet is to wait until its mature,then take a few cuttings to clone,then force flowering,you'll get extremely better yeilds & better buds.

Or you can force flower asap & get very little smoke & tiny lil buds instead of fattys.