11 Males and I want hash


Active Member
I just cut down the 11 males I had in my crop after flowering for 7 days. They all showed pretty fast and a couple had preflowers beofre I began flowering so...yea.

I just cut em up to dry a lil faster. I was wondering which method would be best for making hash with males? I know it won't be much but I would still like to try.

Any suggestions?

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Excuse my ignorance, but I wasn't aware that you could produce good hash from males. To me, this sounds like it would be a waste of time because you'd prob need at least 1lb of leaf to produce a good amount being as males produce a minimal amount of THC-containing trichomes, and you chopped em down immediately so I doubt you will be successful in your quest for male-derived hash. I’d just compost them all and feed them to your girls.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Although, I guess it would work if you were only looking to make it and sell it to some noobs...kinda mean tho.