10X10 Tent Super Roots Air Pots Upgrade.

I completed my first cycle with the super root air pots in a 10x10 tent I ran a total of 40 plants in 2 Gallon Super root airpots. For the first grow with the system I did ok but hand watering was not easy and need to up grade. Considering Drip feeding. But from my observations with the air-pots I would be best to do a dwc.
Any suggestions or post for people running the air pots and how they water daily. I am looking for a way to keep me out the room for more than a day. When I get settled down and running the next batch I share some pics but don't have any at the moment. You all rock at this community, make it that much easier to get2 hq nugz.

What I'm considering;
Stick w/ handwatering
Dunk the pots in 5 gallon buck of nutes
Drip System for sites 34 gallon res, 1 gallon catch trays
4 x 8 flood table, 34 gallon res


Well-Known Member
I use 10g smart pots in trays and only have to water once every 2-3 days when they are the largest and drinking the most. I hand water/feed as well. In the beginning i can go 5-7 days without watering some times


Well-Known Member
A drip tube could be option. Either that or a flood table or maybe a bunch of DWC buckets. I bet you could hook just a few air pumps up to an air stone for each bucket if you split the air tubes evenly.

Drip lines are nice, one complaint I've heard about them is the plants on the end of the line not getting as much water because thats where the water reaches last, but if you do it right and keep that tidbit in mind i'm sure you can pull it off.

It sounds like you have a decent budget considering your last setup, which means you may have a lot of options for convenience. Plus you can DIY almost anything pretty cheep compared to retail price for similar items, plus you can make it to your liking.

The dump the pot in a bucket of nutes is an interesting idea, but also its kinda like a manual flood/drain XD. If you do this I imagine an airstone in your dip bucket couldnt hurt. I would also check the PH/TDS of the water between "dunks," if not for any real reason then at least for curiosity sake at least while your getting started

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Keep doing what your doing and add a drip line. Very easy to build and proper pressure is easy to maintain. I can make you a diagram of how to build one if you'd like.
Thanks for the tips, I will def monitor my ph when dunking in neem oil, . Im running jacks citrus now run general organics line for early weeks of cuttings.I use Garden Safe it runs at around 6.7, my tap is well past 8. The bucket method uses a little more but far less than filling the res. Little fly tape around the stocks and ill be good. I ended up with (4) 4x4 tables need two more for the veg room and I think that will set me up for perpetual cycle. 70 Gal grotek res. I think Ill dwc my veg in trays then ebb flow in the flower room. I plan to use the res for all 4 tables in the flower room. What kind of cycles should I run. Do i need 4 pumps or can I use 1 pump and an irrigation switch? What Size pumps. With a 70 gallon res I was thinking (4) 80 gph pumps Running 1 Hour 3 cycle a day. Trays are 30 gals, cycle 2 1/2 times in that hour. With the Jacks powder, PH has always been constant even after dilution, with GH its starts to climb after day 3. If I am lucking there will be no need to flush and I can top feed a tea every other week. A while back I had seen a soil recipe that made the soil toxic for bugs and great for buds no bookmark. I really consider drip lines but every where I look people have problems with drip systems, in the end i think the hose becomes the problem. To maximize the air pots some kind DWC, Aero, or ebb system needs to be incorporated.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips, I will def monitor my ph when dunking in neem oil, . Im running jacks citrus now run general organics line for early weeks of cuttings.I use Garden Safe it runs at around 6.7, my tap is well past 8. The bucket method uses a little more but far less than filling the res. Little fly tape around the stocks and ill be good. I ended up with (4) 4x4 tables need two more for the veg room and I think that will set me up for perpetual cycle. 70 Gal grotek res. I think Ill dwc my veg in trays then ebb flow in the flower room. I plan to use the res for all 4 tables in the flower room. What kind of cycles should I run. Do i need 4 pumps or can I use 1 pump and an irrigation switch? What Size pumps. With a 70 gallon res I was thinking (4) 80 gph pumps Running 1 Hour 3 cycle a day. Trays are 30 gals, cycle 2 1/2 times in that hour. With the Jacks powder, PH has always been constant even after dilution, with GH its starts to climb after day 3. If I am lucking there will be no need to flush and I can top feed a tea every other week. A while back I had seen a soil recipe that made the soil toxic for bugs and great for buds no bookmark. I really consider drip lines but every where I look people have problems with drip systems, in the end i think the hose becomes the problem. To maximize the air pots some kind DWC, Aero, or ebb system needs to be incorporated.
If you got flood and drain trays use them as flood and drain or drain to waste. Your goin to have a hard time doing "dwc" in a flood table. 70 gallon Rez is enough for one 4x4 table if flood an drain. If you can elevate your Rez so you can put a tap on the bottom to drain 100% every week. Also putting your trays on wheels is a nice back saving thing to do.

No chance to use this with a 500 gph pump, run 3 times 30 min cycle daily on 1 res. If I want to run the four tables off one res how big does it need to be? 280 gallons seems like a lot, even with dry nutes I'm looking at 3/4- 1 1/2 cups of nutes every change. What do you do for nutes?
No wheels for now just milk crates and 5 gallon buckest, Ill shim the edges to get all run off out.

Very nice setup by the way i'll get there! How long you veggin? 1 gallon pots hydro ton?

Like I said ill be using the 2 gal equiv air pots with coco perl, 50/50
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Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member

No chance to use this with a 500 gph pump, run 3 times a day on 1 res. If I want to run the four tables off one res how big does it need to be? 280 gallons seems like a lot, even with dry nutes I'm looking at 3/4- 1 1/2 cups of nutes every change. What do you do for nutes?
No wheels for now just milk crates and 5 gallon buckest, Ill shim the edges to get all run off out.

Very nice setup by the way i'll get there!
Drain to waste or recycling? I jus use a leading brand like advanced or cyco nutrients. That room I pictured has 6- 40 gallon Rez, so 240 gallons, then it gets topped off a few gallons a day each. I use about 360 gallons of water a week for that one room. Nutrient cost for one cycle is about $1200 for me.
I want to do recycling but advice says drain to waste. Yeah nutes are large part of the bill alsmost almost as much as the power, that why im liking the dry it goes far. I mix a teas every couple weeks and foliar veg room.